“When I see the cat I say, ‘Buenos dias, El Gato’. Actually, cats don’t know their name, cats know voices.
"What he does respond to when I ask him to come in, is the tune of ‘Tie a Yellow Ribbon Round the Old Oak Tree’. I whistle to it. I can’t sing, you see.”
Mr Corbyn also revealed that that while he is a “sceptic” about having a God in his own life, he knows the words to most hymns after attending a school which had hymns and prayers every morning and going to church every Sunday until he was 14 years old
“I have huge respect for all faiths. I find faith very interesting, and the power of it", he said,
The Labour MP also told the paper he plans on donating the £6,000 raised by supporters to buy him a bike to charity and will instead buy it for himself on his next birthday.
The money was raised for the Islington MP after he revealed in an interview that a £475 aluminium-framed Raleigh Criterium was his "object of desire”.

Source: http://telegraph.feedsportal.com/c/32726/f/579309/s/4cecb9d6/sc/13/l/0L0Stelegraph0O0Cnews0Cpolitics0CJeremy0ICorbyn0C1210A41660CJeremy0ECorbyn0Ewont0Ename0Ehis0Ecat0Eand0Einstead0Esimply0Ecalls0Eit0Ethe0Ecat0Bhtml/story01.htm