Why it's becoming easier every day to imagine Donald Trump being inaugurated


"Palin is unlikely to scare swing voters off Trump, as she scared them off McCain. They are already terrified"

I have observed Trump as a correspondent in America for the BBC and Channel 4 for many years. Interviewing him at length, I would never have expected him to go as far, or to do as well as he is doing at the moment. Trump’s candidacy started as an unlikely joke. It is now being taken very seriously indeed especially by his rivals in the Republican party. It is this peculiar set of affairs which I am setting out to capture in my documentary to she shown on Tuesday – The Mad World of Donald Trump.

My observation is that Trump doesn’t actually much like ordinary people. But they love him. Joining a crowd of 6,000 crammed into a basket-ball stadium in balmy South Carolina, the first southern state to vote in the primaries, I shared an observation with Bobby Jo, a mother of four dressed in a velour leopard print tracksuit and heavy gold jewellery. “The last time I saw crowds this size and with this much blind passion for their candidate was for Barack Obama in 2008’.


Bobby Jo, not an Obama fan, didn’t know how to take this comparison, but beamed back at me nevertheless. The crowd that Trump attracts is almost exclusively white. Pollsters will tell you that they also tend to be working class and less well educated. I’m not sure whether that’s true but they all have one thing in common: a distrust bordering on hatred of mainstream politics, an allergy against the Washington elite and a profound feeling they have been ignored and neglected.

Everywhere we went we heard the same story: “Donald tells it like it is. He says the things that other politicians are afraid to say and he’s the real deal.”

It was only a matter of time before Trump got endorsed by Sarah Palin - the woman who also made the Republican establishment blanch when she was chosen by Senator John McCain as his running mate in 2008. Political exile has only made her voice shriller. Dusting herself down last week to descend on Ames, Iowa – the birthplace of John Wayne – she shrieked into the microphone: “Donald Trump is the commander in chief we need to kick some ISIS ASS.” The crowd lost it.

Palin is unlikely to scare swing voters off Trump, as she scared them off McCain. They are already terrified. But she may embolden those who want to stump for Trump. And this is where we get to the electoral nub of the matter: Donald Trump knows he will never swing the undecided. His strategy is to persuade every voter in a mobile home to peel themselves off their couch and make it to the polling booth. Millions of them don’t usually bother voting - Donald wants them to exercise their democratic rights. For him.


And here we enter the weird world of contradictions embodied by Trump. He is the richest man ever to run for President, but he has spent less than virtually any other presidential candidate ever, just £2m so far. He is a billionaire bombas attracting votes from those Americans who can never hope to realise the American dream. He has been on both sides of just about every political issue from guns to gay marriage to Hillary, whose senate campaign he gave money to in 2000 and 2006.

He has offended Muslims, Latinos and women like no other candidate but everyone time Trump tramples on a red line of decency his support just grows. He has gone bankrupt four times but is hailed by his supporters as a business guru. He has been married tempestuously three times without apparently offending too many monogamous evangelical Christians. With so much baggage any other candidate would have imploded by now.

The fact that his support just grows speaks volumes about the sorry state of America's toxic politics, of which Trump is both a symptom and a beneficiary.


AS a businessman he is able to short circuit much of the loathing reserved for professional politicians even though he didn’t exactly journey from rags to riches. When he left home, Trump was given at least 10 million dollars by his father and a credit line of forty million to set him up following his father’s footsteps in New York real estate.

He then lost a significant amount the early nineties having gorged himself on casinos in Atlantic City and sky scrapers in Manhattan, when property took a dive.

"So can The Donald become The President? American history has produced wealthy populist insurgents like him before."

The editor of Forbes magazine, Randal Lane, told me that Trump had learnt his lesson. He now only owns 2 of the 17 New York sky scrapers that bear his name and makes most of his money from licensing his brand.

And for Trump it really is all about the brand and he sees his progression from real estate business to reality TV to presidential politics as its natural progression.

What really keeps Trump up at night is measuring its success. As the editor of Forbes, Randall Lane is in charge of drawing up America’s Rich List and he told me how he and his team of accountants spent three days huddled with Trump himself in his 5th Avenue offices arguing with Donald over how much he is really worth.

“We concluded it was 4.5 billion. Trump got angry and insisted it was 10 billion. That’s what he said he “felt” he was worth. For a guy trying to convince voters, many whom cannot even fathom his riches it puzzles me that he should insist on the extra billions. It’s not as if he needs them.” But Trump’s ego clearly does.

This obsession with the metrics of self-worth also translates to his rally speeches, which he kicks off by reading lists of opinion poll numbers as if briefing a committee of fundraisers. Eyes glaze over as this rambling string of non sequiturs which sound like a bad stand-up comedy routine - the crowd only really wake up when he is bellowing about building a wall to keep out the Mexicans or kick Isis’s ass. These, of course, are only the bits ever played on cable TV.

So can The Donald become The President? American history has produced wealthy populist insurgents like him before. William Randolph Hearst, the newspaper tycoon, Henry Ford, the car magnate, Charles Lindberg, the aviator - all thrived on a cocktail of political virginity, authenticity, anger and cash. They all failed and Trump may well end up doing so too. But he has already defied all expectations.

As Harry Hurt III, one of his biographers and most vocal critics, says, he is giving hoarse voice to a large segment of the country that feels snubbed by the elites. With his spiteful rhetoric he embodies a country that has spent the Obama years on a journey: from hope and change to fear and loathing. Add to this mix another terrorist attack like the San Bernadino mass shooting in November and it becomes much easier to imagine the inauguration of Donald J Trump on the balcony of the Capitol. And far more terrifying.

The Mad World of Donald Trump, January 26, Channel 4, 9pm

Source: http://telegraph.feedsportal.com/c/32726/f/579309/s/4d14fb30/sc/7/l/0L0Stelegraph0O0Cnews0Cworldnews0Cdonald0Etrump0C121163970CWhy0Eits0Ebecoming0Eeasier0Eevery0Eday0Eto0Eimagine0EDonald0ETrump0Ebeing0Einaugurated0Bhtml/story01.htm
Why it's becoming easier every day to imagine Donald Trump being inaugurated Reviewed by Unknown on 1/23/2016 Rating: 5

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