Apple's discussions with CBS over content for a streaming video network have ground to a halt , CBS Chairman and CEO Les Moonves said on Thursday -- at least for the time being.
"We had conversations awhile back, and we haven't had recent conversations with them," Moonves told CNNMoney in an interview last week.
Last October, Moonves confirmed "Apple is having conversations with everyone about doing their own streaming services."
Several publications reported the video streaming network was coming. According to the Wall Street Journal in March 2015, Apple was planning a slimmed-down bundle of about 25 channels for launch in fall 2015. Later reports noted Apple has scaled back its streaming efforts.
It's not clear why Apple has stopped talks or paused them for the time being.
In the past, Apple was rumored to be working on a Netflix-style, pay-as-you-go video streaming service -- a far cry approach from its current Apple TV product where networks require an existing cable subscription to stream content over the Internet .
Disclosure: ZDNet is owned by CBS Interactive, a division of CBS.

Source: http://zdnet.com.feedsportal.com/c/35462/f/675633/s/4d86b13e/sc/28/l/0L0Szdnet0N0Carticle0Ccbs0Echairman0Esays0Estreaming0Etalks0Ewith0Eapple0Ehave0Estopped0C0Tftag0FRSSbaffb68/story01.htm