David Cameron's 47-hour battle with Brussels - then the Cabinet


Theresa May, the Home Secretary and Philip Hammond the Foreign Secretary, followed, each giving a short 10 minute speech setting out why they felt the deal deserved their support.

Soon, however, it was the turn of Michael Gove. The Justice Secretary had been struggling for weeks to resolve the conflict between his loyalty to his friends Mr Cameron and Mr Osborne, and his firm belief that Britain would be better off outside the EU.


In typically courteous but determined statement, Mr Gove set out why, with a “heavy heart”, he could not agree with his friend. The British parliament and government had lost control over issues that affect the British people, he said.

One of the ministers present recalled: “Michael’s big point was about sovereignty. On too many occasions he saw things cross his desk over which he had no ability to influence decisions.”

Another Cabinet minister added: “He just didn’t accept that if we remain in the EU then we are sovereign in terms of making our own decisions. There are still too many decision made in the EU that affect us all over which we have no say.”

While Mr Gove was described as “very calm”, and the atmosphere was “polite”, it rapidly became clear that the six Cabinet ministers who were breaking ranks to oppose Mr Cameron were united behind the same battle cry.

“We all felt we had given up too much sovereignty and that we could no longer take decisions in the interests of the United Kingdom,” one said.

An expectant silence fell over the Cabinet room in 10 Downing Street fell silent when it was the turn of the Business Secretary, Sajid Javid, to explain his position. For months he has made public statements of his deep Euroscepticism, suggesting that he could join the campaign to leave.

Yet at the critical moment, he backed down, to his own evident discomfort. He told those present that he believed it was possible for Britain to be more prosperous outside the EU but that the economic risk in the short term was too great.

“Sajid was quite downbeat about his decision. He seemed very reluctant,” one of those in the room said.


Iain Duncan Smith, the Work and Pensions Secretary, and a veteran Eurosceptic, recalled his time as a rebel MP who opposed John Major during the Maastricht Treaty negotiations. But his point was meant to indicate his sympathy for the Prime Minister’s difficult position and he – like the other ministers campaigning to leave – promised to do everything he could to avoid a damaging split in the party.

“All of them pledged their loyalty to the Prime Minister regardless of the outcome. They said they would conduct the debate in a non-personal way and acknowledge what he had done but that is was not far enough,” one minister said.

Another added: “It felt like a historic occasion of sorts. It was a very different kind of Cabinet.”

After two and a half hours, the meeting broke up. At 12.17pm, Mr Cameron announced on Twitter that the rest of his Cabinet had agreed to recommend remaining in the European Union. After giving a speech outside Number 10, announcing the referendum would be held on June 23, he returned inside to consider the battle ahead.

Chris Grayling, the Leader of the Commons; John Whittingdale, the Culture Secretary; and Priti Patel, the Employment minister; and Theresa Villiers, the Northern Ireland Secretary had joined Mr Gove and Mr Duncan Smith in the Out camp.


Within an hour, all six of them had travelled to the headquarters of “Vote Leave”, the anti-EU offices, where they posed for photographs as the smiling faces of the Brexit campaign.

Just 12 hours earlier, in Brussels, Mr Cameron was celebrating achieving a deal that seemed unlikely for much of the preceding two days. He had survived a difficult two days of talks in Brussels with the European bureaucrats and foreign leaders who he privately admits he does not like.

He arrived in Brussels - a little early - at 2.20pm on Thursday, for the most important negotiations of his career.

He told reporters waiting outside the EU's hulking Justus Lipsius summit building that it was more important to get the right deal than to agree anything “in a rush”.

Yet neither he nor the 30 advisers and diplomatic officials who accompanied him, were prepared for the strength of opposition and the unforeseen obstacles that other EU countries threw in the way of a deal.

At 3pm, Mr Cameron met Donald Tusk, the president of the European Council, who chairs the summit meetings when all 28 national leaders are present. The two men joked together as Mr Tusk outlined how he expected the summit to progress.

Then came the Prime Minister’s first major test: his first encounter with the other 27 European leaders. Shortly after 5pm, Mr Cameron, walked alone into the summit room on the eighth floor of the building, carrying just his red ring-binder of briefing notes.

After a group photograph at 5.45pm, the leaders held a further two hours of tense and fruitless talks.

As they sipped bottles of Coke and orange juice, Mr Tusk warned them that the future of the EU itself was at stake. Mr Cameron set out his “modest” requests again, pleading with his counterparts not to dilute his deal any further.


“This is already a compromise on a compromise,” he told them. “I am not asking for anything impossible.”

Downing Street’s early optimism for an earl agreement rapidly evaporated as the depth and breadth of opposition from other countries became clear.

The French president, Francois Hollande, refused to agree to Mr Cameron’s demands for protections for Britain from rules made by countries in the Eurozone. His intransigence shocked Mr Cameron and his team.

The French had given no indication that he would be so obstructive during the previous talks between “sherpas” – diplomats from the two countries tasked with preparing the deal.

Then came the Visegrad Four – Poland, Hungary, the Czech Republic and Slovakia. This quartet of eastern states ganged up as a group to oppose Mr Cameron’s plan to cut benefit payments to European migrants.

In particular, they objected to the proposal to reduce the amount of child benefit that their citizens could send from Britain to their families back home. The Visegrad Four met separately in what they described as a “war room” to plot their ambush on Mr Cameron.

The meeting broke up at 7pm with the 28 leaders as far apart as ever. An anxious Prime Minister warned his counterparts it would be “suicide” if they refused to give him a deal that he could sell to his restive Cabinet and the sceptical British public.

As the night wore on, one shell-shocked British official said: “We expected some push back but it was worse than we thought. Everyone was playing bad cop.”

In the cold outside the Justus Lipsius building, sleet and rain began to fall.


At 2.45am, Mr Cameron sat down again to talk to Mr Tusk. They compared notes and agreed to keep trying for progress through the night.

Tired and downcast, Mr Cameron returned to the airless room in the summit centre where the British delegation had their base. There, the PM and his team snacked on Haribo sweets and wine gums, drinking diet coke, coffee and water.

After 20 minutes of trying to cheer each other up, most of the diplomatic officials went back to their own rooms, leaving Mr Cameron alone with his inner circle.

The handful of his most trusted advisers included Ed Llewellyn, his long-serving chief-of-staff, Craig Oliver, the Number 10 communications director, Liz Sugg, the Prime Minister’s operations chief, and Sir Ivan Rogers, Britain’s ambassador to the EU.

As they waited for Mr Tusk to update them on his attempts to convince the other leaders to cooperate, the gathering in the British delegation room fell silent. Mr Cameron closed his eyes and tried to sleep.

Shortly after 4am, the Prime Minister was called to meet Mr Tusk for his final update of the night. There was still no deal. The 28 leaders were sent away for the night and asked to return for a special “English breakfast” discussion later in the morning.

At 5.40am, bleary eyed, Mr Cameron and his team left the summit centre and returned to the British ambassador’s residence. Inside, the Prime Minister chatted to his team for 15 minutes. He had already warned his wife, Samantha, that he could be delayed in Brussels until Sunday.

“I’m ready to stay here and work but I am not going to take a deal that’s not right,” the Prime Minister told his aides. Then he headed quickly to bed.

After just three hours’ sleep, he was back at the summit for another meeting with Mr Tusk. It was clear that there was no point calling all the leaders together for their “English breakfast” to discuss a final deal –agreement was still too far away.

A huge amount of work was left to be done in one-to-one meetings between leaders, particularly on winning the support from Mr Hollande over economic regulation and the Visegrad Four, over welfare for migrants.

“With Hollande it has been a debate about three words, for four days,” one British official said.

Breakfast was put back to an “English brunch” at 11am. This was delayed to lunch, then a late lunch and eventually a 4pm “high tea”, while Mr Cameron held one-to-one talks with the Italian prime minister, Matteo Renzi, then the Polish PM, Beata Szydlo; Angela Merkel, the German Chancellor; and Mrs Szydlo again during the course of Friday afternoon.


Finally, a joint meeting was called with Mr Cameron, Mr Tusk and Mr Hollande, after French and British officials had agreed a form of language that both sides could live with.

By this time, however, the English breakfast originally planned for 10am had turned into a dinner at 8pm. Mr Cameron and his team were hungry and ordered a delivery of pizzas for the British delegation.

By 5pm, there was still no definitive deal with France, or Poland and the other Visegrad countries. But Mr Tusk and Mr Cameron felt their only hope was to try to force an agreement between the now tired and frustrated leaders.

With no final agreement on child benefit, or protections from the Eurozone countries, Mr Cameron joined the other leaders at 8pm for another meal. The menu for their “English dinner” was artichoke with goat's cheese and rocket, fillet of veal with tarragon jus, and passion fruit bavarois for dessert.

Even at the last minute of his talks in Brussels when a deal seemed to have been done, one final crisis threatened to derail his plans.

As all 28 EU leaders tried to finalise the deal over dinner on Friday night, Mr Cameron was ambushed by the leaders of Greece, Sweden and Portugal. None of them wanted to sign up.

For Mr Cameron, weary and anxious after just three hours’ sleep, it was a nerve-jangling “cliffhanger moment”. Sat alone at the table, everything he had worked for over the course of the preceding nine months was in the balance once again.

As the last plates of passion fruit bavarois were cleared away, the Greek prime minister Alexis Tsipras had threatened to scupper the entire deal – and now he demanded to speak. Mr Cameron feared he was about to use his veto.


Mr Tsipras was furious that Mr Cameron’s referendum demands were being treated more urgently than the refugee crisis overwhelming his country.

Then the Portuguese Prime Minister, Antonio Costa, raised his own objections, demanding to be able to see the full text of the draft agreement thoroughly before considering whether to sign up. “I want to read it,” he told his dining companions.

The Swedish premier, Stefan Lofven, said he could not agree to the deal without first discussing it with the other members of coalition government back home.

In the end, however, after another half an hour of haggling and debate, the dinner and the renegotiation of Britain’s relationship with the EU, was complete. Mr Cameron had his deal.

At 11.10pm, a weary Prime Minister walked out in front of the television cameras, and then leapt onto the podium with a level of energy and vigour that he did not feel.

His voice hoarse with fatigue, and perspiring under the television lights, he announced the details of the deal and vowed to campaign “heart and soul” to keep Britain in the EU.

Source: http://telegraph.feedsportal.com/c/32726/f/579309/s/4dbb902a/sc/13/l/0L0Stelegraph0O0Cnews0Cnewstopics0Ceureferendum0C121668750CDavid0ECamerons0E470Ehour0Ebattle0Ewith0EBrussels0Ethen0Ethe0ECabinet0Bhtml/story01.htm
David Cameron's 47-hour battle with Brussels - then the Cabinet Reviewed by Unknown on 2/20/2016 Rating: 5

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