As we head toward streaming service critical mass, it’s been revealed that Disney plans to launch its own SVOD platform in Australia.
According to Fairfax Media, the Mouse House is looking for an Australian telco to help it launch the service Down Under.
Though Disney has not provided details of what the service will entail, it’s expected to be a local version of the streaming service DisneyLife, which launched in the UK in November last year.
Discussions are reportedly being held by Catherine Powell, the managing director of The Walt Disney Company Australia and New Zealand, who also had a hand in the creation of DisneyLife.
Dig a Little Deeper
The current UK-only version of DisneyLife costs £9.99 per month (AU$20), and features over 300 films, 2000 TV episodes, 5,000 music tracks and a number of reading adventures and games.
So far, DisneyLife is only viewable via its iOS and Android apps, and via the service’s official website.
Australians have never had so much choice in the streaming arena, with Netflix, Stan, Presto, Quickflix, AnimeLab and the recently announced Hayu all vying for your hard-earned dollars.
But is there room for another? There just might be – a Disney-specific streaming service could prove an irresistible proposition for parents looking for a reason to cancel their Foxtel subscriptions.

Source: http://rss.feedsportal.com/c/669/f/9809/s/4d96049f/sc/28/l/0L0Stechradar0N0Cus0Cnews0Cvideo0Cdisney0Esearching0Efor0Eaussie0Etelco0Eto0Efit0Eits0Estreaming0Eglass0Eslipper0E1314940A0Dsrc0Frss0Gattr0Fall/story01.htm