LG isn't leaving much to the imagination when it comes to its forthcoming LG G5 announcement at Mobile World Congress, and that goes doubly for its form-fitting new case.
The official LG G5 Quick Cover case wraps the new flagship Android in semitransparent mesh metal, which leaves tiny openings in to see incoming call notifications.
Like the LG K10 Quick Cover View, you can actually swipe right on calls to answer them without ever flipping open the protective cover. It responds to touch even when it's closed.
There's also a big cut out near the top for the newly announced LG G5 always-on display that acts as a second screen. Through this window, you can see the time, date and up to five notifications icons.

Source: http://rss.feedsportal.com/c/669/f/9809/s/4d80bccd/sc/15/l/0L0Stechradar0N0Cus0Cnews0Cphone0Eand0Ecommunications0Cmobile0Ephones0Clg0Eg50Ecase0Eofficial0Equick0Ecover0E13147120Dsrc0Frss0Gattr0Fall/story01.htm
LG G5 hasn't been announced, but LG went ahead and showed us its official case
Reviewed by Unknown