Nextbit cancels CDMA version of Robin smartphone, issues refunds


After already delaying the CDMA by a few months, Nextbit has decided to cancel the production of the CDMA Robin for Verizon and Sprint networks outright, Recode reports. The company is now refunding Kickstarter backers and offering them a 25% discount on the GSM version should they choose to get one.

“We were not sufficiently doubtful of what we were told given everything we already knew from our experience at previous companies,” CEO Tom Moss reportedly said in an email to backers. “We were too optimistic, too bullish, and as a result we have to deal with our biggest fear, disappointing you, our supporters. This is bad for you, and this is bad for us.”

This isn’t your typical Kickstarter-backed campaign plagued with cash issues. In 2014 Nextbit received $18 million in outside funding from some major names including Accel Partners and GV. Nextbit also raised over $1.3 million in their Kickstarter campaign.

The boldly-designed smartphone offers a unique cloud storage solution for users which “archives” less-used apps to the cloud when internal storage space is running low.

Nextbit cancels CDMA version of Robin smartphone, issues refunds Reviewed by Unknown on 3/17/2016 Rating: 5

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