Oculus announces new social features to help personalize VR experiences


The virtual reality space may grow to be the next major social space for far-flung friends to dive into and hang out.

Starting tomorrow, users on the Gear VR platform will be able to create their own user profiles and search for friends who they can interact with in virtual space.

The company announced in a blog post an effort (very similar-sounding to one from AltspaceVR) called Social Trivia, which will allow you to hang out with buddies’ avatars in a social space and compete in trivia battles. Users will also be able to create VR chatrooms of sorts with Oculus Social where they can watch videos together from Vimeo or Twitch.

Alongside this launch, Oculus announced a new multiplayer game that makes use of some of these new social features.


Herobound: Gladiators, the multiplayer adventure game, is now available on the Oculus Store. Band together with up to four people to conquer goblins and demons in arena battlefields. Use integrated voice chat to talk and strategize in real time for co-op action.

As the quantity of content in the Oculus Store increases, the need for user reviews beyond 5-star rating system has become more apparent. Not only is this a great way to leave feedback for other users, it also increases dialogue between users and developers on what VR consumers are desiring.

Source: http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/Techcrunch/~3/W0-kExV7_JU/
Oculus announces new social features to help personalize VR experiences Reviewed by Unknown on 3/09/2016 Rating: 5

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