Survey: How UX is transforming enterprise software



Image: iStock/arhon

Enterprise software is used across businesses to perform a wide range of tasks; financial tracking and calculations, big data assessment, conducting staff-related operations, performing messaging functions and more. The user experience design is transforming enterprise software.

Take Tech Pro Research's survey on how UX is transforming enterprise software.

This is an in-depth look at how enterprise software is changing.

Tech Pro Research covered the topic of enterprise software in a report which yielded some interesting results:

  • 69% of respondents currently use enterprise software and another 9% are considering an implementation within a year.
  • Use of enterprise software increases with organization size; 34% of small companies (fewer than 50 employees) and 61% of large companies (1000 or more employees) have implemented it.
  • Implementation expenses, lack of business need and uncertainty regarding value were the top three reasons against enterprise software.
  • Databases, storage and human resources were the most popular business functions towards which companies are using or considering enterprise software, however mobility was also cited as a strong category for future deployments.
  • Microsoft, Google and Adobe are the top three most common vendors chosen by respondents both for current and future enterprise software deployments.
  • Customer Relationship Management (CRM), Business Intelligence (BI), Financial Management and IT Service Management/System Integration were the top four components of enterprise software in use.
  • By a large margin the ability to improve operational efficiencies and ease of use/administration were the top two determiners of satisfaction.
  • Difficult of implementation, problems with/inability to integrate with enterprise applications and poor vendor support/tutorials/training were three most commonly chosen reasons for dissatisfaction with enterprise software.

Like all technology, enterprise software continues to evolve, but it is relatively unique in that often disparate

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objectives and varying needs can produce a devolution in functionality and usability for many users. As consumer software continues to get more intuitive, helpful and fun, some enterprise software instances remain mired in confusing menus, tedious workflows and unhelpful output.

Experience design is an enabler of business strategy and fieldwork and communicating design are keys to success. In this survey we will look at how the user experience is transforming enterprise software. This survey and resulting report will explore the history of design thinking and how today's smartest businesses are getting serious about how to design user interfaces that drive efficiency, increase user adoption, and impact customer satisfaction.

Please share your experiences on the topic. Respondents will receive a free copy of the resulting research report.

See also:

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Survey: How UX is transforming enterprise software Reviewed by Unknown on 3/11/2016 Rating: 5

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