'a modern-day version of the Dreyfus trial' - Arutz Sheva


defense Minister describes impending Paris conference as "modern-day version of the Dreyfus trial' that indicts the whole Jewish nation.

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Hezky Baruch, 26/12/sixteen 13:53

At a Yisrael Beyteinu faction assembly, protection Minister Avigdor Liberman observed the UN safety Council's choice as a "superfluous and wretched" choice. He delivered that he is now concerned with the drawing close Paris convention.

"On the 15th of January there might be a conference in Paris to discuss the Israeli-Arab conflict. here is no longer a peace conference but reasonably a conference whose intention is to hurt Israel's attractiveness and to cause hurt to the State of Israel. a latest-day edition of the Dreyfus trial. in its place of one Jew being on the bench of the accused, the whole Jewish nation can be there." brought Liberman.

Liberman said that if all of France's votes in UN associations over the past 12 months were examined, it might turn into abundantly clear what course this convention goes to take. "this is the time to inform the Jews of France: this is no longer your nation or land, leave France and are available to Israel, it's the simplest answer we should still give to this initiative."

Liberman said that the UN vote became carried out without any connection to Israel's policies against Palestinian Arabs and mentioned that "we need to attain an agreement with the new administration on these issues. We are seeking easy methods to handle the hurt [this resolution caused] and rectify the harm already completed. This does not imply the rules legislation but somewhat we deserve to focal point on the future and latest a transparent place to the new administration. We do not need to make declarations or to annex however rather to attain an contract with the new administration and then every thing could be solved."

'a modern-day version of the Dreyfus trial' - Arutz Sheva Reviewed by Stergios on 12/27/2016 Rating: 5

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