Saudi Arabia requests navy training - Shephard Media

working towards/Simulation

26th may also 2017 - 14:30 via The Shephard information team

the us State branch has made a choice approving a possible foreign military sale of a navy practicing programme to the govt of Saudi Arabia, the defense safety Cooperation company introduced on 23 can also. The estimated cost of the kit is $250 million.

Saudi Arabia has requested the continuation of a naval blanket order practicing programme, together with expert military schooling, English language practising, technical practicing, publications and technical documentation, and programme aid.

The proposed sale will enable the Royal Saudi Naval force (RSNF) to preserve military performance ranges and enhance its means to fulfill present and future maritime threats. The practising will support the RSNF's patrol capabilities, contributing to the insurance policy of vital industrial infrastructure for the ocean lines of communications. The working towards will also support RSNF to boost interoperability with the us and different coalition maritime forces.

If the sale goes ahead, Kratos defense and safety solutions could be the principal contractor for the programme.

Saudi Arabia requests navy training - Shephard Media Reviewed by Stergios on 5/27/2017 Rating: 5

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