Bedroom tax 'breaches human rights of vulnerable people' - top judge



Whitehall sources said that the case, which is now set to go to the Supreme Court, felt like a "set up" designed to give the impression that ministers are picking on vulnerable people even though they are no worse off financially.

David Green, chief executive of the think tank Civitas, said: “The system is fair – it is perfectly sensible to have a discretionary system to accommodate individual needs.

“I would say that the court has usurped the role of Parliament and should not have interfered. There is no injustice, there is no personal wrong, there is no suffering. There is a benefits system that is soundly constructed and has worked well in both these cases.”


Mark Littlewood, Director General of the Institute of Economic Affairs, added: “The spare room subsidy is based on a good principle: to get those on housing benefits to economise and live in modest, rather than expansive housing.

“In extreme cases special mitigation is clearly necessary, something which the DWP has already made provision to do. Given this, some may questions today’s ruling.”

The challenge centres on two cases. One involves a woman known only as “A”, who lives in a specially adapted council house in which police have fitted a secure panic room to protect her from her violent ex-partner.

The other case was brought by Paul and Sue Rutherford, from Pembrokeshire, whose seriously disabled grandson Warren needs overnight care, requiring an extra room for carers to stay over.

Both families lost part of their housing benefit when the so-called “spare room subsidy” rules, designed to encourage people to move to smaller properties, came into effect last year.

But because of their particularly difficult circumstances, they receive a special "discretionary" payment to make up the difference.

The Department of Work and Pensions argued that this is a more “flexible” way to help those who would otherwise be disadvantaged by the benefit changes.

Yet lawyers successfully argued that the payments were not an adequate replacement and that the two families, and others like them, should simply be exempted from the spare room subsidy rules.

The judges ruled that, because of a legal precedent already set by an earlier case, the Work and Pensions Secretary Iain Duncan Smith was not “entitled to decide” that the discretionary payments were a better way to support A “even though that would be a more flexible approach”.

They added that rules already exempting disabled adults from the benefit changes showed that Warren Rutherford was receiving “different treatment” which had not been properly justified.

The judges concluded that in both cases the appellants had “suffered discrimination contrary to Article 14 of the European Convention on Human Rights”.

Mike Spencer, a solicitor at the Child Poverty Action Group, who represented the Rutherfords, said it had been essential to pursue the case

because although the family receive discretionary payments there is no certainty that will continue.

“The Rutherfords have always fought this not just for Warren’s sake but as a test case for young disabled people who need overnight care,” he said.

He added: “It would be easy now for the Secretary of State just to amend the regulations for these two groups.”

He said doing so could effect a “few thousand” cases but not undermine the wider basis of the Government’s welfare reforms.

Rebekah Carrier, the solicitor acting for A, said: “These changes to housing benefit have had a catastrophic impact upon vulnerable people across the country. Our client’s life is at risk and she is terrified. The anxiety caused by the bedroom tax and the uncertainty about this case has been huge."

She added: “She is delighted that the Court of Appeal has recognised the impact that the bedroom tax is having on her and others like her.

“She very much hopes that the Secretary of State will now see sense and agree to change the rules to protect the small but extremely vulnerable class of women and children who need the safety of a sanctuary scheme whilst they try to rebuild their lives after surviving domestic violence.

“Following today’s ruling, we urge the Government to amend the regulations to protect carers and their families. The policy is clearly having a devastating impact on vulnerable families and the Government cannot allow this to continue”

Heléna Herklots, chief executive of Carers UK

Heléna Herklots, chief executive of Carers UK, said: “Following today’s ruling, we urge the Government to amend the regulations to protect carers and their families.

“The policy is clearly having a devastating impact on vulnerable families and the Government cannot allow this to continue.”

Philip Davies, the Tory MP for Shipley, said: “I have got great concern. These are cases the Government had already catered for with the discretionary payment system. The judges had no case for interfering other than their views. It is unacceptable.”

Una Summerson, head of policy at Contact a Family says: "We know from calls to our helpline that the Rutherford’s situation is not an isolated case.

She added: “We are delighted that the Court of Appeal has found the current rules to be unlawful and hope that the DWP will now act quickly to amend the housing benefit rules rather than challenge this ruling in the Supreme Court.”

It came as plans by the Government to cut benefits for disabled people by £1,560 a year in order to "incentivise" them into work were defeated in the Lords.

Peers voted to strike out a clause of the Welfare Reform and Work Bill which would have cut the Employment Support Allowance for people in the Work Related Activity Group by £30 a week for new claimants from next year.

Bedroom tax 'breaches human rights of vulnerable people' - top judge Reviewed by Unknown on 1/27/2016 Rating: 5

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