David Cameron unveils long-term plan for North Sea


It is understood he will not pre-empt George Osborne’s March Budget today but his presence is intended to send a clear message to oil firms reviewing their operations in the North Sea that the UK Government is considering additional financial support.


Details of the visit emerged the day after Nicola Sturgeon’s Cabinet held a meeting to discuss the crisis, after which it was announced John Swinney, her deputy, would seek an urgent meeting with the Chancellor to call for further tax breaks.

However, the impartial Office for Budget Responsibility estimated in November last year that oil will generate just £100 million of tax in 2016/17 and revenues will remain “very low” until 2020/21. The price has since dropped further to around $30 per barrel.

This compares with the projection of between £6.8 billion and £7.9 billion in Alex Salmond’s White Paper on independence – between 68 and 79 times higher than the latest forecasts.

Both Mr Salmond and Nicola Sturgeon promised voters a second oil boom after their predicted Scottish Independence Day of March 24 this year but economists have calculated a separate Scotland would have been £8 billion a year worse off than at present.

Responding to a question from a Tory backbencher at Prime Minister’s Questions about the plight facing the industry, Mr Cameron said he recognised the “seriousness of the situation.”

He said: "The oil price decline is the longest in 20 years and nearly the steepest and this causes real difficulties for the North Sea and we can see the effects in the east of England, across Scotland – particularly in Aberdeen – and in other parts of our country too.

"We discussed this at Cabinet yesterday. I'm determined we build a bridge to the future for all those involved in the North Sea.”

Among the proposals he highlighted was helping the North East economy diversify and the sector to “export its world-class expertise.”

He also said the Government was implementing a review of the industry’s taxation and regulation conducted by Sir Ian Wood, one of the North Sea’s most eminent experts, whom he will meet during today’s Aberdeen visit.

But Mr Cameron reacted with scorn to criticism from Margaret Ferrier, the SNP MP for Rutherglen and Hamilton West, who criticised the Chancellor for having "utterly failed to get the deficit under control".

Highlighting the fact that oil accounts for a negligible proportion of the UK’s tax revenues, the Prime Minister said: "But had Scotland been independent, it would be a very, very dark day indeed."


Mr Mundell, who will sign the City Deal on behalf of the UK Government, said: “Oil and gas is a crucial sector, not just for the North East of Scotland but for the whole of the UK.

“I know it’s a very tough time for people who work in the industry and their families, and I am determined that the UK Government will do what it can to support them.”

The deal is equally funded by the UK and Scottish governments and the harbour overhaul aims to help the local economy diversify from drilling oil, including encouraging tourism by making it accessible to cruise liners.

A new energy innovation centre will be announced to help support the extraction of the North Sea’s remaining reserves and Mr Mundell will announce he will visit the town of Pemba in Mozambique next month to help forge trade links with Aberdeen.

The southern African state contains large reserves of offshore natural gas and is expected to become a major producer in the near future, offering opportunities for Scottish companies.

Source: http://telegraph.feedsportal.com/c/32726/f/579309/s/4d2f1cb5/sc/13/l/0L0Stelegraph0O0Cnews0Cpolitics0Cdavid0Ecameron0C121262410CDavid0ECameron0Eunveils0Elong0Eterm0Eplan0Efor0ENorth0ESea0Bhtml/story01.htm
David Cameron unveils long-term plan for North Sea Reviewed by Unknown on 1/27/2016 Rating: 5

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