In a letter to Liz Truss, the Environment Secretary, Sir Philip said: “I am well qualified to carry out this role, and had much to contribute.
"I fully support the Secretary of State’s reform agenda to deliver efficiency as well as a better, more joined-up service to our stakeholders and the public, and so I am disappointed that I will not now see through delivery of these reforms.
“My reason for resigning is that the expectations of the role have expanded to require the Chairman to be available at short notice throughout the year, irrespective of routine arrangements for deputy and executive cover.
"In my view this is inappropriate in a part-time non-executive position, and this is something I am unable to deliver.
“Furthermore the media scrutiny focused on me is diverting attention from the real issue of helping those whose homes and businesses have flooded, as well as the important matter of delivering a long-term flood defence strategy.”
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