SNP's partial climbdown on university 'political control'


In a briefing note circulated to MSPs, and seen by the Telegraph, ahead of a vote on the Bill’s principles, he challenged Ms Constance to provide “any compelling evidence” that there is a problem with university governance that needs to be fixed.


The Bill would give the Scottish Government the power to decide how senior figures on university courts are appointed, including how long the chairmen are allowed to serve and whether they can be reappointed for a second term.

It also imposes quotas for the number of student representatives and trade unionists who sit on governing bodies and creates a new legal definition of "academic freedom". Currently, the chairmen are chosen by a selection committee, which includes student and staff representatives.

Ms Constance told the education committee, which recently issued a highly-critical report about the plans, that she was “confident” the legislation’s proposals “do not amount to government control” and would not risk universities losing their charitable status or becoming part of the public sector.

But she said the Scottish Government is “minded” to put forward amendments to remove sections that would allow ministers to modify the categories of people who sit on governing bodies and academic boards, and the numbers of members in each category.

The Education Minister outlined a two-stage process for electing chairs of governing bodies, whereby candidates would be vetted by a nomination committee before all staff and students vote on who they want to appoint.


However, it is understood universities are concerned this undermines the role of rectors as they are appointed using a similar process. Sources said it raised questions over whether chairs or rectors hold the principal to account and who is more representative of the students and staff.

Liz Smith, Scottish Tory education spokesman, said Ms Smith was making a “complete and utter mess” of the Bill and she was in a “weak position” ahead of tomorrow’s debate.

A Universities Scotland spokesman welcomed the removal of the two sections but said there remained “confusion and gaps” over whether the process for electing chairs would improve the “good governance in our universities.”

SNP's partial climbdown on university 'political control' Reviewed by Unknown on 1/13/2016 Rating: 5

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