Soft drink giants to cut sugar levels - but Coke stays the same


It has been estimated a 20% sugar tax could raise up to a £1bn a year.
Kellogg's says it will cut 723 tons of sugar next year from all its cereals, such as Frosties and Coco Pops, by 2016 — although it would not specify any proportions.
Levels in Frosties and Coco Pops are about 35 per cent and it is thought they will aim to get them below 20 per cent.
The makers of Lucozade and Ribena are aiming to cut sugar by ten per cent by 2018, and 20 per cent by 2025 or sooner. Irn-Bru's maker AG Barr wants to cut its calorie content by five per cent this year alone.
Other soft drink giants such as Pepsi and Britvic will also ban TV adverts aimed at children and billboards near schools will also be scrapped.
Smaller sizes and new healthier products are also being promised.
"We should be big and bold. Who is running the country, the businesses who are profiting from ill health, or is it us?"
Jamie Oliver
Coca-Cola, which owns a range of soft including Lilt and Sprite, is part of an industry-wide pledge to cut sugar consumption by 20 per cent before 2020.
But the company — which cut the calories in its drinks by five per cent in 2014 — is only promising another five per cent drop over the next nine years.
And, significantly, it is reported that the seven teaspoons of sugar currently in the Coca Cola’s best selling red 330ml Coke can will stay the same.
One senior soft drink industry source told The Sun: "The health lobby will say we're not going anywhere near far enough. But if we can cut the nation's calorie consumption from soft drinks by 20 per cent in five years, surely that's a win for everyone?"
Campaigners and chefs, such as Jamie Oliver, have led calls for a sugar tax to tackle childhood obesity — with a 20 per cent levy expected to raise up to £1billion a year.
A draft of the plan is expected to be circulated by Downing Street officials next week.
Industry leaders say that 57 per cent of soft drinks sold in Britain are low or no-calorie and are being "demonised" by the health lobby. The industry also claims soft drinks are responsible for only the fifth biggest source of sugar in a family diet, below milk and cream.
Figures from Kantar research consultants show that the largest proportion of sugar in a family diet (15.1%) comes from fruit and vegetables, with packet sugar responsible for the second largest amount, at 10.9%.
Oliver has been campaigning for a sugar levy to be included in the Government’s child obesity strategy.
He told MPs on the House of Commons' Health Committee last year that a tax would be the "single most important" change that could be made.
The chef said he would like to see the money raised by a sugar levy shared between the NHS and primary schools.
Oliver, who has introduced a levy on soft drinks with added sugar in his own restaurants, told MPs: "We should be big and bold. Who is running the country, the businesses who are profiting from ill health, or is it us?"
Soft drink giants to cut sugar levels - but Coke stays the same drinks_3557024b Reviewed by Unknown on 1/23/2016 Rating: 5

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