The Tories must not fracture over the EU


In his article for the Daily Telegraph, Chris Grayling, the Leader of the Commons, rightly observes that the forthcoming referendum on Britain’s future in Europe will be “a defining period for our country”. It could be upon us far sooner than many people realise. If David Cameron obtains a deal on new membership arrangements at next month’s EU council then a vote could be held in June.

The ramifications of this momentous event are hard to predict. Since Mr Cameron has made it clear he will campaign to stay in the EU on the terms agreed by his fellow heads of government, some believe he would have to resign if there were a vote in favour of exit. Asked about this at the weekend, the Prime Minister said he would stay on in No 10 to manage the process. However, he also acknowledged that no work had been done at official level to draw up contingency plans for Britain outside the EU. The clear message from the top of government is that this is not an outcome to be contemplated and certainly not championed.

Mr Grayling, therefore, is sticking his neck out by making clear his personal misgivings about staying in the EU unless there is a fundamental change in Britain’s relationship, since one is unlikely to be on offer. While the acceptance of Mr Cameron’s four demands will be a welcome recognition that the UK does not intend to participate in any future superstate, they would not restore sovereignty as the Eurosceptics want. Moreover, potential reforms to in-work benefit rules may have less of an impact on immigration to the UK than is being claimed.

"Simply staying in the EU with our current terms of membership unchanged would be disastrous for Britain"

None the less, these are points to be debated in the coming months. From the Conservative point of view it is essential that this is done in a way that allows the party to come together once the referendum is over, whatever the outcome. An irreparable split would benefit only Jeremy Corbyn’s Labour Party.

As Mr Grayling says, the Tories need to discuss this “in a grown-up way”. Mr Cameron has played his part by conceding that Eurosceptic ministers will be free to campaign to leave even if the Government is formally recommending a vote to remain. The sceptics also need to demonstrate good will, but are entitled to demand that the process be fair and balanced.

So far, the fault line running through the Conservative Party for 40 years has not fractured, despite strong views on both sides. It must stay that way.

The Tories must not fracture over the EU Reviewed by Unknown on 1/13/2016 Rating: 5

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