Since time immemorial, “A bigger boy did it and ran away” is an excuse that has served schoolchildren beautifully. Since 2010, it’s been serving David Cameron pretty well, too. Because, when he finds his Government in trouble, Mr Cameron stands up in the Commons and reveals that the real culprits are the people who were in charge before he was.
“We’re talking about tax that should have been collected under a Labour government!” he yelled, his cheeks purpling righteously. “We’ve done more than Labour did!” Tony Blair, Gordon Brown and Alistair Darling, he added hotly, “are the people to blame for Google not paying their taxes! We’re the ones who got them to pay!”
Gently, Jeremy Corbyn steered Mr Cameron on to the “bedroom tax” – which, ruled the Court of Appeal, discriminated against a victim of domestic violence and the family of a disabled teenager. But it turned out that the last Labour government was to blame here as well.
“Why is it,” snapped Mr Cameron, “that [Mr Corbyn] always wants to see more welfare, higher taxes and more borrowing – all the things that got us into the mess in the first place?”
I’m not sure those are absolutely “all” the things that caused the 2008 financial crisis – I have a vague recollection that banks and American mortgages came into it somewhere – but the Prime Minister was unequivocal. The last Labour government was responsible for the crash. Just as it will no doubt be responsible for the next one.
But perhaps it’s unwise to predict what Mr Cameron will say in future. His feelings about all manner of subjects are wonderfully malleable. Here’s what he said about the refugee crisis last September, just after three-year-old Alan Kurdi drowned.
“The whole country has been deeply moved by the heart-breaking images we’ve seen… We will continue to show the world that this is a country of extraordinary compassion, always standing up for our values and helping those in need.”
At today’s PMQs, by contrast, he taunted Jeremy Corbyn for failing to “stand up to… a bunch of migrants in Calais”. The “bunch of migrants” in question were children, whom Mr Corbyn had said should be allowed to live in Britain.
Mr Cameron didn’t blame the last Labour government for the problem, but give him time.
