10 artificial intelligence researchers to follow on Twitter



Image: iStockphoto.com/Issam Khriji

For artificial intelligence, 2016 has been called "like 2015 on steroids." Want to learn more about what that really means? Follow these 10 twitter users for an insider's take on the latest developments in AI.

Demis Hassabis: @demishassabis

The brains behind Google's AI platform DeepMind, Hassabis is arguably one of the most important voices in the AI world today. AlphaGo, created by DeepMind, has surpassed expectations, winning in the game of Go ten years before experts predicted. His Twitter account is new, but we are expecting great things.

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Andrew Moore: @awmcmu

Dean of Carnegie Mellon University's School of Computer Science, Moore has a background in statistical machine learning, artificial intelligence, robotics, and statistical computation. He's passionate about bringing more students into the AI and has important insight about the field's most pressing challenges.

SEE: 7 trends for artificial intelligence in 2016: 'Like 2015 on steroids'

Oren Etzioni: @etzioni

Etzioni is the CEO of the AIlen Institute for AI (@allenai_org), which aims to use its research of AI for the "benefit of humanity." He tweets interesting links and news about AI.

Marie desJardins: @mariedj17

Professor at the University of Maryland in Baltimore County, desJardins is also former chair of the Association for the Advancement of Artificial Intelligence (AAAI). She's been involved in AAAI, the main North American conference on artificial intelligence, for over a dozen years, starting as a reviewer in grad school, later becoming an AAAI counselor.

Francesca Rossi: @frossi_t

Rossi, currently at the IBM T.J. Watson Research Center (@IBMResearch), is professor of computer science at the University of Padova in Italy and former president of the International Joint Conference on AI. Her specialty is ethics in AI.

SEE: Q&A: A powerful look at the future of AI, from its epicenter at Carnegie Mellon

Toby Walsh: @TobyWalsh

Professor of AI at The University of New South Wales, Walsh has a lot of valuable insights about AI and labor, the dangers of autonomous weapons, and more.

Guru Banavar: @banavar

Banavar, vice president of cognitive computing at IBM's T.J. Watson Research Center (@IBMResearch), is in charge of the team that developed Watson, IBM's AI that mastered Jeopardy, and is frequently quoted in the press on important issues in AI today.

Rodney Brooks: @rodneyabrooks

CTO of the small New England robotics company @RethinkRobotics and former director of MIT Artificial Intelligence Laboratory, later the Computer Science & Artificial Intelligence Laboratory (CSAIL).

Max Tegmark: @tegmark

Tegmark is president of the Future of Life Institute, based in Cambridge, Massachusetts, which has brought some of the greatest minds together—from the co-founder of Skype to professors at Harvard and MIT—to explore big questions about our future with AI. Sample tweet:


Image: screenshot from Tegmark's Twitter account

Alan Macworth: @AlanMackworth

Macworth, computer science professor at the University of British Columbia is the Canada Research Chair in Artificial Intelligence—who built the world's first soccer-playing robot.

Also see

Source: http://techrepublic.com.feedsportal.com/c/35463/f/670841/s/4dcc1675/sc/32/l/0L0Stechrepublic0N0Carticle0C10A0Eartificial0Eintelligence0Eresearchers0Eto0Efollow0Eon0Etwitter0C0Tftag0FRSS56d97e7/story01.htm
10 artificial intelligence researchers to follow on Twitter Reviewed by Unknown on 2/23/2016 Rating: 5

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