All these views are wrong. The formation of a Single European State is well under way and the two most basic reasons to believe it will happen are, first that it is such a brilliant idea – it is the ought that will, in the end, make the is happen – and, second, that political union is now recognised as an existential necessity if the euro is to survive.
The UK has retarded political union for too long. As a fan of the Single European State I say quite candidly that one reason I believe the UK should leave now is so as to get out of the way and allow destiny to proceed. But even if it does not, the Single European State will come to fruition either way, within 10-15 years.
The old Eurosceptic fear was that the UK would be sucked into European political union, and that this was undesirable for us because of key constitutional and cultural differences between us and our Continental friends. Some Eurosceptics repeat this old case, but it now defunct. We won the battle to stay out of the euro and it is now plain that the boundaries of the Single European State will be the boundaries of the euro. We need no longer fear inclusion.
"Our involvement in the European project is 'mission accomplished' and there are other great things we can now do with new partners"
Instead, we should fear domination and irrelevance. We joined the European project as an arrangement of countries of approximately equal size, all involved in all aspects of the project, bargaining and making deals where sometimes one faction won and sometimes another. Within 10-15 years the EU will consist of a gigantic Eurozone state formed of around 25 countries and perhaps 4 non-euro EU members whose involvement will be merely a legacy. That will be doubly so of the UK which will not only not be in the euro but also not in Schengen. The main EU projects will be the euro, Schengen, common border guards, a European “FBI”, a nascent European army – and we will not be involved in any of them. In Peter Lilley’s excellent phrase, the UK will be an “appendix” – a member of the EU that once had a function but which subsequent developments have left otiose.
I do not believe there is any sustainable future in the EU for any non-euro member. When advocates of joining the euro in the 1990s and early 2000s said not joining would mean our influence would decline and our EU membership would become unsustainable, they were right. It’s odd to see those same folk denying the compelling logic of their own past positions now.
The second key reason for leaving the EU is a positive one, namely that our involvement in the European project is “mission accomplished” and there are other great things we can now do with new partners. Many advocates of leaving appear to want to replay old arguments about whether it was ever a good idea to have joined or to claim that EU membership has been harmful to us for many years. I don’t agree with any of that (neither, incidentally, do I think that’s an argument likely to appeal to many swing voters). I believe that with our EU friends we have achieved great things.
Western Europe came together and saw off the Warsaw Pact (economically). We absorbed the post-dictatorship states of the Iberian Peninsula and Greece. We locked in democracy and capitalism to the post-communist states of Eastern Europe. Along the way, we transformed the Continental approach to economic questions – privatisation, competition, free trade, the removal of state aid and deregulation have become orthodox European practice. These were all important achievements. But that chapter is now ended, the geopolitical possibilities exhausted.
Instead, we have new possibilities out in the wider world. We could form new deep alliances with Canada and Australia. Or we could play the Great Game with China, India and Brazil. Or we could do something else entirely unforeseeable. The future is an undiscovered country. Of course we can’t know what we might do after Brexit, but that doesn’t mean we can’t be reasonably sure whatever it is that we do could be turned into something good.
"There is no status quo to cling to. Instead, there is a grand vista of opportunity outside, new challenges in the wider world"
Leaving won’t be painless. While by and large I agree with the Capital Economics analysis that leaving won’t mean either any great losses or gains for the UK over the medium-term, I do think we should expect some lost GDP growth in the first few years. Leaving will be likely to lead to some structural changes in our economy, and some investment predicated upon EU membership will go bad. Furthermore, we could use our freedom from EU membership to make some really bad decisions – such as cutting off immigration. I’m a Conservative, so I don’t normally assume change is painless.
But the reality is that what we have had in the EU – nice though it was – is drawing to an end anyway. There is no status quo to cling to. Instead, there is a grand vista of opportunity outside, new challenges in the wider world, new dreams to dream, new schemes to scheme. The EU was great for us, but now it’s done. Time to leave and find out what Britain did next.
