Apply now for TechCrunch Include office hours with Emergence Capital


Another chance to participate in TechCrunch Include Office Hours is here. On March 18th, Santi Subotovsky and Alison Wagonfeld of Emergence Capital will join TechCrunch editors to provide advice and feedback to startups.

Launched in 2014, Include is TechCrunch’s diversity program, aimed at facilitating opportunities for underrepresented groups in tech to take their startups to the next level.

Office hours are part of that effort. Once monthly, TechCrunch works with its VC partners to ensure that founders of all backgrounds have an opportunity to build connections with top investors. To be considered for a meeting in the Emergence Capital session fill out a short application, by Wednesday, March 9 at 6 p.m. PT.

Underrepresented groups eligible for office hours include but are not limited to black, Latino, Native American, LGBT and female founders. Office hours will be held at TechCrunch’s offices in San Francisco unless otherwise specified.

Introducing our co-hosts.

Santi Subotovsky is General Partner at Emergence Capital. Prior to joining Emergence, he was founder of e-learning company AXG Tecnonexo.

He currently serves on the boards of several companies, including Civitas Learning, CrunchBase, High Alpha, Tophat and Zoom. Additionally, he is also a founding board member of Puente Labs, an organization that finds and selects the best founders of high potential growth companies from Latin America and helps them scale their businesses globally.

Alison Wagonfeld, Operating Partner at Emergence Capital, joined the company in March 2013. At Emergence Capital she uses her knowledge and experience to help companies on marketing, strategy, talent/recruiting, and resource development. She works closely with companies like Textio and Insightly and was named one of the “Most Influential Women in the Bay Area” in 2014 and 2015.

Prior to joining Emergence, Alison served as the executive director of the Harvard Business School California Research Center and Co-Founded QuickenLoans where she served as Marketing Director.

We are looking forward to having Emergence Capital join us for Include Office Hours this March. If your startup focuses on enterprise solutions, Emergence Capital may be who you want to connect with. Apply today!

Apply now for TechCrunch Include office hours with Emergence Capital Reviewed by Unknown on 3/02/2016 Rating: 5

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