Infographic: Internet of Things generates ROI for many, but roadblocks remain


Less than a quarter of respondents to the latest Tech Pro Research survey said their company is currently using IoT-connected devices to collect data, but more respondents said their business plans to get into the IoT game within the next year. Respondents in those two groups reported a wide variety of uses for data insights, including predicting trends, improving products, capacity planning, R&D and security.

More about Big Data

Among respondents whose companies who have implemented IoT data collection, 71% said that less than 20% of their IT budget goes towards those efforts, with the majority spending most of their IoT funds on software.

A takeaway here: don't expect miracles from IoT data collection. Only 22% of IoT users said they've seen clear and compelling returns after implementation.

Download the full report, Research: Big data and IOT - Benefits, drawbacks, usage trends, from Tech Pro Research. (Membership required.)


Image: Erik Underwood/TechRepublic

Also see:

10 ways to implement IoT for business advantage (TechRepublic)
Why 10 million developers are lining up for the Internet of Things (TechRepublic)
10 ways to capitalize on the Internet of Things (TechRepublic)
The Power of IoT and Big Data (ZDNet)

Infographic: Internet of Things generates ROI for many, but roadblocks remain Reviewed by Unknown on 3/01/2016 Rating: 5

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