Share ALL your photos with Shorts, Highlight’s pivot to voyeurism


No one else ever sees most of your camera roll. But if you’re brave enough, your close friends might enjoy peeking at every photo, video, and screenshot, not just the best ones. So call it creepy or the next frontier in social media, but that’s what Shorts does. It’s the new iOS app from the makers of Highlight, the hyped location app startup of 2012 that fizzled out and is now pivoting.

The idea is of Shorts is to give people the most raw and intimate look at your life possible while still maintaining a shred of privacy — like seeing someone wearing short pants.

Each time you use Shorts, it asks you to share everything on your camera roll since you last opened the app. You swipe through one at a time, sharing or hiding each photo and video. You can set those you share to be publicly visible, or only shown to approved friends. Your followers can choose your from a Snapchat Stories-esque list and swipe through your shares, Liking or leaving comments.

Check out our demo and interview with Shorts’ developer

It’s aggressive, no doubt. But while some are sure to bristle at the exposure, beta testers ended up sharing half of everything on their camera rolls. And because there was suddenly an audience for everything they captured rather than just the highlights, testers ended up shooting two to three times more photos and videos.

“Most of the interesting social services that have emerged that people feel very comfortable with today pushed people a little bit outside of their comfort zones when they started” says Highlight founder and CEO Paul Davison. Putting your face on the Internet with Facebook, tweeting your lunch, or snapping your private life all seemed a bit aggressive too at first.

Shorts might be the natural progression of oversharing, or another crackpot social app few want. Lightning in a bottle is hard to predict.


Share ALL your photos with Shorts, Highlight’s pivot to voyeurism Reviewed by Unknown on 3/08/2016 Rating: 5

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