Tech news: facebook photograph-cognizance utility and Snap Inc. IPO - WLNS


LANSING – MI – fb just announced a big alternate to their image focus utility. earlier than, when you posted an image to fb, you may need to tag or caption a photograph to be capable of seek it. Now, content material of an image is searchable.

in case you need to search for all times milestones like a wedding or a graduation, this took is available in very convenient. that you would be able to see your photographs and your chums' photos right through the years in an easy search. It's also an outstanding tool for style. in case you are looking to buy a black costume, that you would be able to simply search "black dress" in your facebook search bar and your entire chums who are in images wearing a black dress will pop up.

Some individuals feel this is too lots or too creepy however facebook stated it is taken with a great trigger in making the platform extra accessible to the visually impaired. They had been developed to enrich the platform's automatic alt text (AAT).

Snapchat (SNAP Inc.) just filed an IPO at a $3B valuation.

Tech news: facebook photograph-cognizance utility and Snap Inc. IPO - WLNS Reviewed by Stergios on 2/05/2017 Rating: 5

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