Grilling safeguard advice ahead of July 4th weekend


NEW HAVEN, Conn. (WTNH) — earlier than you fan the flames of the grill and whip up the entire fixings for a cookout this weekend, a warning to retain your guests secure.

The USDA wants to remind everyone to make use of a meals thermometer to verify the temperature of the meat you're cooking.

additionally, use freshly cleaned chopping boards for raw meats and competent-to-consume foods.

research shows now not adequate americans are taking the vital steps to give protection to themselves.

About 48 million americans get ill from meals poisoning each year, leading to roughly 128,000 hospitalizations and three,000 deaths.

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Grilling safeguard advice ahead of July 4th weekend Reviewed by Stergios on 6/29/2017 Rating: 5

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