Diabetes sufferers face 'postcode lottery' with patients in parts of the country six times more at risk of dying
In some parts of the country diabetes sufferers are 65 per cent more likely to die than the local average a year after being diagnosed with the condition. In other areas the figure is as little as 10 per cent.
Areas where people are more likely to die include Devon, Somerset and Wiltshire in the South West, Northumberland and Yorkshire in the North and parts of Norfolk and Cambridgeshire.
The report said that only six in 10 diabetes sufferers receive the annual checks recommended to keep them healthy and prevent long-term complications.
It added that while there has been a significant increase in the proportion of diabetes patients occupying hospital beds, there are not enough specialist nurses and doctors to care for them.
Only 60 per cent receive the annual checks recommended to keep them healthy and prevent long-term complications.
MPs found that targets to improve diabetes care were not being met, including one set by the Department of Health which said that by 2018, 80 per cent of patients should receive all the nine care checks recommended to keep them healthy.
In 2013/14, there were an estimated 3.2 million people aged 16 years or older with diabetes in England. The condition is estimated to cost the NHS £5.6 billion a year.
The Government has introduced a new NHS Diabetes Prevention Programme to try to stem the numbers of people developing Type 2 diabetes.
Type 2 is linked to unhealthy lifestyles, and the new programme aims to help people lose weight and move more.
But the report said this "by itself, this will not be enough to stem the rising number of people with diabetes".
Meg Hillier, chairwoman of the committee, said: "The NHS and Department for Health have been too slow in tackling diabetes, both in prevention and treatment.
"The number of people with diabetes is increasing, as is the number of patients who develop complications. It is a very serious condition that can have a huge impact on people's lives. Yet support available to patients and those at risk varies hugely across the country.
"There's clear evidence of what works and as a priority action must be taken to ensure best practice in treatment and education is adopted across the board.
"Taxpayers must have confidence that support is available when and where they need it, rather than by virtue of where they live."
A Department of Health spokeswoman said: "The NHS has made big improvements in diabetes care by reducing mortality and complications arising from the disease - but any variation in care as this report highlights is deeply concerning."

Source: http://telegraph.feedsportal.com/c/32726/f/579309/s/4d0a59f0/sc/14/l/0L0Stelegraph0O0Cnews0Chealth0C121137480CDiabetes0Esufferers0Eface0Epostcode0Elottery0Ewith0Epatients0Ein0Eparts0Eof0Ethe0Ecountry0Esix0Etimes0Emore0Eat0Erisk0Eof0Edying0Bhtml/story01.htm