Exclusive: Jeremy Corbyn accused of plotting to 'stitch up' upcoming by-election


Mr Irranca-Davies has approached Mr Corbyn's office to raise concerns about Ms Clark being imposed on the constituency.

Ms Clark was the MP for North Ayrshire and Arran for ten years until losing her seat to the SNP in the last election and is one of six Directors of the party's new Momentum movement.


One former Labour Minister told the Daily Telegraph: "People in Wales will be furious if they try to stitch it up for Katy or someone like Chris Williamson.

"All the Welsh MPs are very worried about this because you need a strong local candidate with real ties to the area for a byelection nowadays."

The National Executive Committee set the shortlist, from which local members elect their candidate and the the body could also decide whether to impose an all women's shortlist.

A former Labour shadow minister said: "The great fear we have is that if leadership tries to impose a candidate then it will make the same mistake that we have seen in the past, where the imposition of a candidate against the wishes of the local party has led to us losing a seat.

"This is is a very serious issue and a test for the leadership indeed in terms of its views of democracy and of course its strategic approach."


A senior Welsh Labour figure said: "I would be very surprised if the Ogmore constituency wanted somebody hoisted on them by the leader's office and certainly not somebody from outside of Wales.

"I know there are some very strong candidates potentially putting themselves forward from across Wales."

Sources close to Mr Corbyn have denied that they are trying to ensure that Ms Clark goes on the candidates' list for the seat.

Source: http://telegraph.feedsportal.com/c/32726/f/579309/s/4cd57097/sc/13/l/0L0Stelegraph0O0Cnews0Cpolitics0CJeremy0ICorbyn0C120A974860CExclusive0EJeremy0ECorbyn0Eaccused0Eof0Eplotting0Eto0Estitch0Eup0Eupcoming0Eby0Eelection0Bhtml/story01.htm
Exclusive: Jeremy Corbyn accused of plotting to 'stitch up' upcoming by-election Reviewed by Unknown on 1/13/2016 Rating: 5

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