Jeremy Corbyn became labour leader by accident


Mr Corbyn only got onto the ballot paper for last year’s leadership contest after a number of MPs agreed to lend their votes to a left-wing contender to “broaden the debate” within the party.

That decision followed an effective online campaign to put pressure on MPs to let a left-winger run.


The activists behind that campaign told Ms Prince that they had hoped that MPs other than Mr Corbyn would be the left’s candidate in the election.

The activists were Michelle Ryan, an aromatherapist from Worthing in West Sussex, Rebecca Barnes a mother-of-four from Orpington, Kent, and Naomi Fearon, a 32-year-old teacher from Fleetwood in Lancashire.

All said they started their campaign hoping other Labour MPs would end up as the Left-wing candidate for the leadership.

"It wasn’t Jeremy," Ms Fearon said, admitting she had hoped that Ian Lavery, the Labour MP for Wansbeck and a former union official, would stand.

“He’s normally seen as quite a left MP, but then he came out and supported Burnham and he ruled himself out, so we thought, ‘Oh no.’

Ms Ryan said she hoped Clive Lewis, the “socialist” Labour MP first elected in Norwich in 2015, might be persuaded to stand. Ms Barnes said she thought John McDonnell, Mr Corbyn’ shadow chancellor, might run again, and even wondered if the Labour veteran Dennis Skinner could be persuaded to stand.

The book also reveals that Jon Lansman of the Campaign for Labour Party Democracy, one of Mr Corbyn’s key backers, wanted Mr Trickett to stand and actually began the process of campaigning for him.


In May 2015, Mr Lansman emailed members of the CLPD telling them Mr Trickett was standing for the leadership and that their faction was supporting his candidacy.

He and another left-wing activist then went to see Mr Trickett to discuss his campaign.

At that meeting, Mr Trickett revealed, he explained that he was not, in fact, willing to stand.

“‘It was a slight surprise that they came to see me because I’d made it clear I wasn’t going to stand,” Mr Trickett told Ms Prince.

After Mr Trickett’s refusal, Mr Lansman and his allies searched for another left-wing MP to back for the leadership, and eventually settled on Mr Corbyn.

How Jeremy Corbyn's campaign almost never got off the ground

For a man who would go on to inspire such excitement and devotion among left-wingers, it took a surprisingly long time for Corbyn to officially emerge as the candidate of the left. Even as May turned into June, it was still not yet certain that he – or anyone from his wing of the Labour Party – would run.

By the third week of May, the four declared contenders for the leadership – Andy Burnham, Yvette Cooper, Liz Kendall and Mary Creagh – were busy setting out their stalls. While Burnham remained the bookies’ favourite, there was a clear sense that the contest was a long one and that both Kendall and Cooper (if not, perhaps, Creagh) were well positioned to change the outcome.

Some on the left were growing increasingly depressed by what they were hearing in these early weeks, particularly as the contenders moved to distance themselves from Ed Miliband and the ideas he had offered at the general election (even though all four had served on his front bench).

With the social media campaign for an anti-austerity candidate bubbling away, the small number of left-leaning MPs in Parliament came under ever greater pressure to put themselves forward. Many activists were appalled at the timidity of their representatives, and were determined to force them to act. On 23 May, at a meeting of the executive of the Bennite Campaign for Labour Party Democracy, a decision was taken to demand that reluctant MPs accept their responsibilities. The CLPD’s candidate of choice was Jon Trickett, and at this stage, with no expectation of victory, their ambition was a modest one: to push Andy Burnham and Yvette Cooper to the left.

It was felt that if a left-wing candidate was on the ballot, voicing opposition to the austerity agenda, then the centrist candidates would have to respond by acknowledging their own concerns about the deficit reduction programme. If that voice was not heard, the fear was, they might be tempted to emulate Liz Kendall and the Blairites by tacking right.

In a statement issued by the CLPD after the meeting, the group said: “There is widespread dismay amongst party activists at the uninspiring nature of the leadership election campaign, with candidates queuing up to apologise for the alleged overspending by the last Labour government, and still failing to challenge publicly the neoliberal narrative on austerity which is the primary reason why Labour was ultimately judged wanting in its handling of the economy. Those on the Blairite wing of the party may well believe that narrative but, like Ed Miliband and Ed Balls, Andy Burnham and Yvette Cooper might not. And yet, with no left candidate putting an anti-austerity case, there is no chance of them showing any more courage than their predecessors … A left candidate is essential to changing the nature of this election.”

Two members of the CLPD executive, Corbyn’s old friend Jon Lansman and Peter Willsman, a member of the Labour National Executive Committee, were deputed to bring Jon Trickett the good news. ‘It was a slight surprise that they came to see me because I’d made it clear I wasn’t going to stand,’ Trickett says.

“I’d had all these phone calls saying, ‘We’ve got to have a candidate, we’re not going to win but we’ve got to have a candidate to make our case.’ [But] I didn’t think I could unite the left. I’d been on the front bench for seven years. It needed someone from a completely fresh point of view.

Unfortunately for Trickett, Lansman had already emailed the entire CLPD membership informing them that he was a candidate. He would still be receiving messages of support weeks later.

Comrade Corbyn by Rosa Prince is published by Biteback, priced £20. To order your copy for £16.99 plus p&p, call 0844 871 1514 or visit

Jeremy Corbyn became labour leader by accident Reviewed by Unknown on 1/30/2016 Rating: 5

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