Jeremy Corbyn's running head first into a fight with the unions


The direct questioning of Nick Robinson elicited a few other admissions that will – and should – haunt the Labour leader. Corbyn was utterly unable to explain why Pat McFadden should have been sacked for saying: "No one forces them [terrorists] to kill innocent people in Paris or Beirut. Unless we are clear about that, we will fail even to understand the threat we face, let alone confront it and ultimately overcome it". All he could say was that he condemned all terrorism – which, of course, he manifestly does not – but could not address the question directly.

Nor, could he answer the question as to whether he would authorise a drone strike on the leader of Isil if it was possible, lawful and there was no chance of apprehension. The evasion was telling. But, in a world where the adulation of Corbyn by the true believers is the only approval he seeks, this wasn’t relevant to him either.

There was one slip though, one little dangling thread that if pulled hard enough may cause the Corbyn project to begin to unravel. When talking about Labour policy on Trident he was imprecise about the way in which he wants Labour to endorse his position. He wouldn’t say whether a ballot of members of conference would make the decision – it was a matter for Labour’s National Executive Committee (NEC). And well he might be vague about this.

Corbyn has a massive problem with conference – the unions. The GMB, one of the major unions in the defence industries, are vocally for Trident renewal. Unite are committed to it too – they are the other main defence union – but they brief a more equivocal line to journalists. Len McCluskey, Unite’s General Secretary, may want to avoid taking a strong stand on this but he will inevitably be forced to.

Some of the largest and best organised sections of Unite are in the defence industries – places like Rolls Royce. And the supply chain for a nuclear submarine reaches far and wide. If McCluskey hesitates for an instant in backing Trident then his members will be welcomed with open arms by the GMB. So, a conference vote looks very difficult. Easier then for Corbyn to take it to a ballot of members. But this road leads straight to a fight with the unions too.

"Some of the largest and best organised sections of Unite are in the defence industries"

When Gordon Brown sought to "reform" the Labour Party by formalising a membership vote on policy he was forced to back down by the unions – they wanted their "collective" voice recognised and protected. The current policy process – Policy Commission, National Policy Forum, Conference, Clause V meeting does this at every stage. A straight vote of members excludes the unions. The debate with union leaders will not be as easily finessed as an interview with Nick Robinson. There is trouble ahead for Corbyn.

Jeremy Corbyn's running head first into a fight with the unions Reviewed by Unknown on 1/11/2016 Rating: 5

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