North-South divide widens as school performance figures show vast inequality in education


Areas such as the North East, Yorkshire and the Humber, the West Midlands and the East Midlands are said to have persistently under-performed, while London's performance has surged.

Mr Clegg will highlight research by the Social Market Foundation showing how children's performance at school depends upon which part of the country they grow up in.

Speaking at the launch of the commission in Westminster, Nick Clegg MP will say: “What is now becoming clear is that inequality in education comes in many shapes and sizes. It is not just the relative wealth of parents that holds large numbers of bright kids back: it is postcode inequality too. What part of the country a child grows up in has a real impact on their life chances.

“The Social Market Foundation has analysed how well children aged eleven performed over three generations – those born in 1958, 1970 and 2000 – using verbal reasoning tests which could be compared accurately across all three groups.

“For the youngest group – those who are in secondary school today – there were stark differences in performance in different regions. Those living in London, the South East and the North West had the highest proportion of high scores. Whereas those living in the North East, Yorkshire and the West Midlands had the highest proportions of poor scores.”

“We may live on a small island - but which corner of it our children call home makes a huge difference to their life chances too.”

The Commission is an independent, cross-party initiative which is examining the causes and effects of inequality in education at primary and secondary levels in England and Wales.

It will report its full findings early next year.

North-South divide widens as school performance figures show vast inequality in education Reviewed by Unknown on 1/12/2016 Rating: 5

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