This news came as quite a shock to me, as I imagine it did to you. And, indeed, to anyone who lost their loved ones in the horrors of the Holocaust. But not to the professionally perpetually offended who like to see Adolf Hitler’s pudgy fingers at work in everything around them.
Whether it’s red doors or red wristbands, all the perpetually offended can see is imaginary black swastikas lurking everywhere.
Last week it was all about the crime of painting front doors red after it was revealed that asylum seekers in Middlesbrough were being targeted for harassment because they were easily identifiable by the fact that their front doors were all painted red. As if being sent to live in Middlesbrough wasn’t punishment enough for people fleeing war and poverty.
Some bright spark at the G4S-owned firm housing the asylum seekers had the not-so-bright idea of painting their doors red so those properties would be easy to spot by their staff. This, of course, also made them easy to spot for every local racist too, leading to residents being harassed and verbally and physically abused.
Cue howls of anger at the housing firm for singling out the asylum seekers in the first place. It’s a complete mystery why, after the first couple of incidents, the housing firm didn’t simply repaint all their doors. But they didn’t, although this has probably got more to do with their ineptitude than their secret stash of Nazi memorabilia in the basement.
This week the row has moved on to red wristbands being worn by asylum seekers in Clearsprings Ready Homes in Cardiff, run by a private firm contracted by the Home Office.
The wristbands, which must be worn at all times, entitle the asylum seekers who, unlike some other residents, are not allowed to work or be given cash, to three meals a day.
Once again, it is claimed the wristbands mark out the asylum seekers and make them easily identifiable to the local troublemakers so they will now be replaced with ID cards. But the complaints go further than that, according to Mogdad Abdeen, 24, a human rights activist from Sudan.
He spent three months in Lynx House last year and insisted: “This wristband is discrimination, clear and simple. No band, no food. We are made to feel that we are second-class humans.”
I imagine that’s how every holiday maker on an all-inclusive deal feels when they are queuing up for their paella on the Costa del Sol. Unfortunately, no campaigners have yet taken up their plight and there is no asylum from the beach bar bore, so they will have to just like it or lump it.
Which is pretty much the advice I would offer to any asylum seeker asked to wear a wristband in order to be fed.
These small, cheap, plastic items, as any festival organiser or all-inclusive hotel owner will tell you, are a remarkably reliable way of making sure that only the person entitled to particular goods and services gets those services.
Vouchers can be lost, stolen or sold, as can ID cards, which can also be used by anyone else who looks vaguely similar. Wristbands can’t. They are affixed to the wrist of one person and, once cut off, cannot be used again.
They were, then, a simple, cost effective and efficient way for the Cardiff asylum seekers to be able to get their basic needs met – nothing more, nothing less. No hidden Nazi agenda and no conspiracy against asylum seekers.
There has though been a conspiracy of silence about the one group of people in this whole sorry saga who genuinely are to blame, and that is the nasty little toe-rags who think asylum seekers are fair game for abuse and harassment.
"I imagine most asylum seekers are more worried by the very real prospect of someone spitting in their face than they are by imaginary Nazi overtones"
While the perpetually offended have been busy criticising the Home Office and private firms for the crimes of imposing red doors and red wristbands, they have studiously ignored the real criminals.
It’s just a guess but I imagine most asylum seekers are more worried by the very real prospect of someone spitting in their face or throwing a brick through their window than they are by the imaginary Nazi overtones of red doors and wristbands.
The professional offence-takers would do more good if they focussed their anger on the criminals walking Britain’s streets today, instead of the Nazi ghosts of the past.
