Sadiq Khan: "Pick me as next London Mayor"


Mr Khan also promises to be no Corbyn “patsy” if he wins office, dubbing the Labour leader’s stance on Trident as “wrong” and warning that questioning the police’s right to shoot to kill terrorists could have “huge” negative consequences.

The Labour candidate also opens up about fears he has for his teenage daughters over online radicalisation and demands ministers shut down internet providers being used to promote extremism.

The comments, which come less than four months before Londoners head to the polls to select their Mayor, are an apparent attempt to win over crucial undecided voters in the capital’s suburbs.


They also indicate Mr Khan is ready to follow in Boris Johnson’s footsteps by being a thorn in the side of his party leadership if he reaches City Hall on May 5.

Mr Khan is the bookmakers’ favourite to defeat Mr Goldsmith, the environmentalist and Richmond Park MP, after pulling ahead in the polls with populist policy announcements like a freeze on London Underground ticket prices.

The race has national significance too, with Mr Corbyn facing his first major electoral test in May and the Tories looking to win a third successive mayoral election in a traditionally Labour city.

Despite being considered on the Left of his party, Mr Khan – the Tooting MP and former shadow justice secretary - uses an interview with the Telegraph to explain why Tories should vote for him.

Chatting in a room in Parliament with sweeping views over the capital, Mr Khan attacks foreign millionaires buying up property only to leave it empty and pledges to create a new batch of truly "affordable" houses.

His definition of a successful mayor, he says, is one who can put aside party affiliations and speak for the city as a whole.

"I am trying to persuade Telegraph readers to look at me, to look at my experiences, to look at my vision for London and what I would do for London," Mr Khan says.

"When you meet and study the best mayors from around the world they are not tribal. What they try and do is to reach across the entire city."

To do that, Mr Khan - dressed in neat navy suit and tieless shirt - says he is ready to take on his party leader to defend London.


"There will be occasions when frankly speaking I disagree with Jeremy,” he says, naming support for a new runway at Gatwick, a belief that businesses can drive job growth and prosperity and “unequivocal” backing of a reformed European Union as key points of difference.

He also pledges to work with the Tory government to defeat Mr Corbyn’s push for a "Robin Hood Tax" – a fee on buying stocks, shares and derivatives publicly backed by the Labour leader last summer.

Mr Khan says: “That is the job of the Mayor of London: not to be a patsy or a spokesperson for George Osborne and David Cameron – as Mr Goldsmith is being – or Jeremy Corbyn or the party, but to be London’s advocate to their party and the government.”

The differences between Mr Khan and Mr Corbyn are clearest on defence.

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On Trident, he is categorical: “I’m quite clear that I can’t foresee any circumstances in which I would vote to unilaterally end our nuclear capability.”

He pledges to back renewal even if Labour party policy and its leader call for the opposite, saying: “At a time when Russia’s expanded into Ukraine, you’ve got North Korea testing missiles, I think the idea of getting rid of Trident unilaterally would be the wrong one.”


Similarly Mr Khan stresses the importance of letting police shoot to kill terrorists if they launch an attack in Britain – a policy Mr Corbyn questioned late last year.

“These are split-second decisions,” Mr Khan says. “If they are questioning in that microsecond whether they could get in trouble that could lead to a huge source of adverse consequences.”

The race for London Mayor has been characterised by some as a battle for backgrounds: Mr Khan, the son of immigrants raised on a council estate, versus Mr Goldsmith, the Eton-educated child of a billionaire financier.

Mr Khan insists he will not criticise Mr Goldsmith’s upbringing, saying “none of us are responsible for who our parents are”, but defends an attack advert which this week branded his opponent a “serial underachiever”.


“I won’t apologise for comparing Zac Goldsmith’s adult experiences [to mine] in relation to business – or lack thereof – and in relation to politics,” he says.

There has been some criticism of Mr Khan's stilted TV interviews, but in person he speaks fluently with a charisma that does not always come across down the camera.

His most emotive comments come over fears his two teenage daughters could be groomed online, demanding the government acts more swiftly to shut down IP addresses being used for promoting extremism.

"I've got two children, two girls,” he says. “If, god forbid, I was under any suspicion that they were being groomed sexually a parent would have no hesitation in reporting to the authorities, taking away their computer. You can think of all the things you do as a parent.

zayn2_3272049f "Why aren't we treating radicaliation in the same way? Close down the internet service provider, get the authorities involved. This is really important.”

Mr Khan also has a novel approach to help tackle radicalisation: promoting British Muslim “role models” such as One Direction’s Zayn Malik and The Great British Bake Off’s Nadiya Hussain to inspire children.


There is one nagging question that is left until the end – if Mr Khan disagrees with Mr Corbyn on a host of policies why did he nominate him for the leadership? Mr Corbyn only qualified for the race with minutes to spare after MPs lent him their vote – a decision some now rate as one of their biggest mistakes in politics.

Does Mr Khan regret nominating him? “No, I don’t regret it,” he responds immediately, saying that denying a wide debate would have led to the perception the race was a “stitch-up from the Westminster elite”.

Even so, Mr Khan makes clear he will be his own man in City Hall if he wins, saying: “I’ve got my own mandate.”

Sadiq Khan: "Pick me as next London Mayor" Reviewed by Unknown on 1/16/2016 Rating: 5

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