SNP leader Nicola Sturgeon on The Andrew Marr Show, BBC - live


Welcome to our live coverage of The Andrew Marr Show, featuring SNP leader Nicola Sturgeon, Conservative candidate for mayor of London Zac Goldsmith MP, chairman of BBC Trust Rona Fairhead and actor Harvey Keitel.

Last week's show interview with Jeremy Corbyn ruffled some feathers, with John Prescott calling the exercise a disgrace and accusing the presenter of pandering to the wishes of right wing newspapers.

The former Labour deputy prime minister accused the show's presenter Andrew Marr of asking hypothetical questions about past issues in order to generate headlines for newspapers.

The Labour leader was questioned on his party's policy on Trident, as well as issues including whether the Falkland Islands should continue to be British and union strike laws. He was also asked for his views on the Living Wage, housing, local elections, Syria and the petition calling on Donald trump to be banished from Britain.

In a statement on Twitter, Lord Prescott wrote: "Here's someone who is leading the debate by putting housing, social justice and equality right at the heart of our politics.

"And how did Marr respond? By asking questions to get answers he hopes will be in tomorrow's Daily Mail.

"Why did he ask about Flying Pickets and the Falkland Islands? Are these really the big issues of today? Forget Deutschland '83 - today's Corbyn interview was more Marr '82.

This morning's show is sure to hit on more hot button topics, after Nicola Sturgeon was forced to distance herself from claims from within her government that a school cadet scheme provides “cannon fodder” for the British Army.

The SNP leader also kick-started the SNP’s Holyrood election campaign earlier this month with a promise of a “renewed” push for Scottish independence.

Zac Goldsmith outlined his plans for London in an article for the Telegraph this week.

SNP leader Nicola Sturgeon on The Andrew Marr Show, BBC - live Reviewed by Unknown on 1/24/2016 Rating: 5

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