And on Trump's attacks on Muslims:
“When politicians insult Muslims, when a mosque is vandalised, or a kid bullied, that doesn’t make us safer. That’s not telling it like it is. It’s just wrong. It diminishes us in the eyes of the world.”
But to the British ear the most distinctive tone struck was the proud and unapologetic defence of American exceptionalism:
“The United States of America is the most powerful nation on earth. Period. It’s not even close.”
And heart-stoppingly when he said:
“That’s the America I know. Clear-eyed. Big-hearted. Optimistic that unarmed truth and unconditional love will have the final word.”
As journalist Phil Quin wrote: “All that was missing was the backing vocals.” The true voice of detached British cynicism – in fact he’s a New Zealander who has worked in Australian politics but the sensibility is similar. The pride. The emotion. The bigness – of the ambition and the sweeping statements. Why do our politicians never talk this? Partly it is about Britishness – all these things make us look down embarrassedly and shuffle our feet.
The tone is hit sometimes. When Tony Blair stood down as Labour leader, in his final speech at Trimdon Labour club he said:
“This country is a blessed nation.
"The British are special.
"The world knows it.
"In our innermost thoughts, we know it.
"This is the greatest nation on earth.”
Equally, when David Cameron apologised for Bloody Sunday, he conveyed a sense of shame about the Army’s actions which reflected how far they had fallen from what he believed in:
“Mr Speaker, I am deeply patriotic. I never want to believe anything bad about our country. I never want to call into question the behaviour of our soldiers and our army, who I believe to be the finest in the world.
"And I have seen for myself the very difficult and dangerous circumstances in which we ask our soldiers to serve.
"But the conclusions of this report are absolutely clear. There is no doubt, there is nothing equivocal, there are no ambiguities. What happened on Bloody Sunday was both unjustified and unjustifiable. It was wrong.”
There is a connection between both speeches – the politicians wrote much of themselves. Blair is a naturally gifted speaker and writer – many of his best lines and passages were written by him in pencil on a yellow legal pad. Cameron is not in the same league, but he can rise to the occasion. When he read the civil service draft of the speech he was meant to make about Bloody Sunday he knew it wasn’t good enough. So Cameron sat down and wrote his speech himself.
"Wouldn’t it be so much better if more of our politicians could more often speak to our better natures"
That is one of the big differences between US and UK political language – the profession of speech writer is fully established in America. It is recognised and individual writers like Ted Sorenson who wrote for JFK are renowned. Language is one of the great political legacies – living on and influencing powerfully long after well-meaning White Papers are forgotten. That’s why in the States and Australia it’s not just a profession but their memoirs are commissioned and published. Speechwriters are some of the most interesting people to tell you about their principals – Graham Freudenberg on Gough Whitlam, say, or Don Cameron on Paul Keating. Though, as often in politics, the best speechwriter’s book may be about failure. Barton Swaim’s “Speech writer: A Brief Education in Politics” is the story of working for a politician who crashed and burned – South Carolina’s Mark Sanford. Best known as the Governor who claimed to be “hiking the Appalachian Trail” when he was meeting his lover which really meant “meeting my lover in Buenos Aires.” His press conference at which he confessed to the affair is still worth a horrified watch. Sanford attempted a second act and was elected to Congress. Swaim’s book documents how and why that was not a return to glory.
It is our loss in Britain – in both great and small ways – that political speech writing remains mainly an amateur affair. We have the talent. Blair had Phil Collins, Scottish Labour has Blair McDougall – they are two of the finest speechwriters I know. We don’t have the progression, the recognition, the career. And we should have. Wouldn’t it be so much better if more of our politicians could more often speak to our better natures, call forth a bigger and more generous country and make the hair on the nape of our neck stand up?
