This is because, in a perhaps unlikely turn of events, the MP has admitted to using the drug, and called the ban 'stupid'.
"Sometimes when something is proposed that becomes personal to you, and you realise the government is about to do something fantastically stupid, in those circumstances one has a duty to speak," the chair of the Commons foreign affairs committee told MPs today.
"I use poppers, I out myself as a popper user, and would be directly affected by this legislation. I’m astonished to find it’s proposing to be banned, and frankly so would I think many other gay men."
Fellow Tory MP Michael Fabricant added to the debate, tweeting: "I informed the Tea Room discussion on poppers that I had tried them, but that my bottom remains intacta".
But what is all the fuss about? Here's what's going on.
What are poppers?
'Poppers' is the colloquial name for a group of chemicals called alkyl nitrites. Specific alkyl nitrites include butyl nitrite, isopropyl nitrite, isobutyl nitrite and amyl nitrite.
They usually come as a liquid chemical in a small bottle.
The key effects of poppers can include:
- A short, sharp head-rush like 'high'.
- Enhanced sexual experiences.
- Chemical burns with the development of a rash around the nose and mouth, and/or irritation of the nose and throat.
- Feelings of sickness, faintness and weakness.
- Death – if swallowed; or if used by individuals with heart problems.
What is the debate about?
The debate is not solely focussing on poppers, but those are the drugs which have sparked the most comments.
This is because of their link to male homosexual sex and, arguably, some members of the LGBT community.
The poppers comments came during a parliamentary debate on the Psychoactive Substances Bill. The legislation aims to ban several so-called legal highs.
Critics have asked for poppers to be removed to this list of legal highs, and critics of the move have argued that banning the drug discriminates against gay men.
The government has indicated it will consider removing poppers from the list of banned substances at a later date. However this would still temporarily ban the drug before it was made legal again at a later date.
Labour's Andy Burnham in particular has spoken out against the banning of poppers and has asked for them to be removed from the list.
"I remain concerned that your new position (to ban poppers pending further investigation) may well cause harm, particularly amongst the gay community,
"A ban on poppers, even if temporary, may result in poppers being sold ‘under the counter’, and users being driven underground to purchase poppers and thereby being exposed to new, more dangerous substances.
"It could also result in individuals facing prosecution and possible imprisonment. A temporary ban will cause widespread confusion amongst users about their legality, as well as having potentially serious and life changing consequences for individuals who continue to use them during the ban.
"I believe it would be better to have temporary exemption for poppers as opposed to a temporary ban whilst we await the conclusions and recommendations of the review."
