Turns out telling the difference between art created by a human or a robot is harder than you'd think.
Researchers have developed a Turing test of sorts by placing one piece of art by a robot, and one by a human next to each other and giving us the tricky task of guessing who did which.
A quick office poll showed that robots are more accomplished in their art than we'd think or hope as no-one managed to score more than 7/10.
We're not sure what this means but we think it has something to do with the robot apocalypse.
You can test your own robot-detection abilities here

Source: http://rss.feedsportal.com/c/669/f/9809/s/4d83e5f8/sc/15/l/0L0Stechradar0N0Cus0Cnews0Cworld0Eof0Etech0Chuman0Evs0Erobot0Eart0Eit0Es0Eharder0Eto0Eguess0Ethan0Eyou0Ed0Ethink0E13147560Dsrc0Frss0Gattr0Fall/story01.htm
Human vs Robot art - it's harder to guess than you'd think
Reviewed by Unknown