Theresa May, the Home Secretary, Jeremy Wright, the Attorney General and Robert Halfon, the minister without portfolio, also backed Mr Cameron.
Mr Cameron formally announced the referendum after a two hour Cabinet meeting in which he made each minister state explictly whether they would back him.
Standing outside Downing Street after the meeting, he said that the referendum on June 23 will be "one of the biggest decisions this country will face in our lifetimes".
He told voters: "You will decide and whatever your decision I will do my best to deliver it.
"The choice is in your hands but my recommendation is clear: I believe that Britain will be safer, stronger and better off in a reformed European Union."
He added: "I do not love Brussels. I love Britain. I am the first to say that there are still many ways in which Europe needs to improve – and that the task of reforming Europe does not end with today’s agreement.
"And I will never say that our country couldn’t survive outside Europe. We are Great Britain – we can achieve great things.
"That is not the question in this referendum. The question is will we be safer, stronger and better off working together in a reformed Europe or out on our own."
The Prime Minister opened the meeting with a 20 minute speech in which he made the case for his deal and called for a "sensible, orderly, well-mannered debate".
Next week he is expected to publish the rules "rules of engagement" on how ministers should approach the debate.
Shortly after the Cabinet meeting began a statement from Mrs May was published confirming her support for the Prime Minister's renegotiated deal.
She said that membership of the European Union strengthens Britain's ability to deport "dangerous" foreign criminals and is vital for Britain's security.
She said: "The EU is far from perfect, and no one should be in any doubt that this deal must be part of an ongoing process of change and reform – crucial if it is to succeed in a changing world.
"But in my view - for reasons of security, protection against crime and terrorism, trade with Europe, and access to markets around the world - it is in the national interest to remain a member of the European Union."
Mr Halfon argued that Britain's membership of the EU is fundamental to its security. He said: "I support in because of the threats of Islamism, terrorism, Syria and the emergent Russia. I believe an alliance of democracies is better to shape things in our own interests."
Jeremy Wright, the Attorney General who last week was "50-50" on whether to vote in or out, also gave his backing to Mr Cameron's deal.
The Sunday Telegraph understands that there was no significant debate during the meeting, which was used to set out positions. One Cabinet minister said: "There is some hierarchy in the cabinet and we just went round on that official hierarchy, one after the other. Nobody interrupted anybody else. It was all very orderly."
George Osborne, the Chancellor, earlier warned that leaving the European Union would be a "leap in the dark" and Britain's economy would suffer as a result of a Brexit.
He said: " "The whole country has a vote on this very big decision about whether we want to leave the European Union and all the risks that involves, the leap in the dark, or whether they are content with the special status we have.
"Are we going to have to go on making reforms to keep our continent competitive? Yes. The question is, what is the alternative? I see a lot of risk in that alternative."
Philip Hammond, the Foreign Secretary, said that Mr Cameron's deal "tilts the balance firmly in favour of the UK remaining in." He added: "We're stronger, sager, better off in [the] EU on these terms than out."
A spokesman for Mr Javid did not respond to requests for comment.
