Liberman: “simplest the executive makes the decisions” - Arutz Sheva


defense Minister Liberman nowadays pointed out that the IDF should no longer be drawn into the political debate regarding the evacuation of Amona.

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Arutz Sheva workforce, 15/eleven/sixteen 14:15

725453protection Minister Avigdor Liberman

Marc Israel Sellem/Fash90

defense Minister Liberman nowadays pointed out that the IDF should still now not be drawn into the political debate regarding the evacuation of Amona.

In a seek advice from to an IDF training middle these days, defense Minister Avigdor Liberman referred to that "It's the IDF's job to carry out the operations based on the selections made via the government. for those that do not understand, I'm speaking about the chance that we are going to ought to evacuate Amona. The speak I've heard this morning is unacceptable."

Liberman: “simplest the executive makes the decisions” - Arutz Sheva Reviewed by Stergios on 11/15/2016 Rating: 5

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