The concern is that the review is in reality an attempt to dilute FoI and so spare the Government from scrutiny. And one is compelled to view the proposal to extend FoI to voluntary organisations in this context – as a strong-arming measure to defuse the criticism of the real dilution of openness that is threatened by this review.
Only 6 per cent of all government expenditure with independent organisations makes its way to the charitable sector. Most of the rest goes to large companies and higher education institutions. Not only would this extension of FoI to the charity sector be minuscule, therefore, it would also be capricious.
Charities are already regulated by the Charity Commission. Do they need more rules? Do we really want our charity leaders and our volunteers spending their time fielding all manner of FoI requests, let alone having to appoint the staff to do it? How useful is it for my local vicar to face demands that she answers requests for information on the consumption of communion wine or the people who run my cricket club to disclose how much beer was consumed at their annual dinner?
"This proposed measure is a blunderbuss that would do nothing for transparency but ultimately harm good causes"
Charities are told by government we should ensure as much of our resources go to the front line as possible. Recently in this newspaper, Rob Wilson, the civil society minister, was exhorting us to “eke out every last penny for good causes”. How is that consistent with having to divert resources to cope with new regulations under FoI. Moreover, why should what little public money goes to these organisations be spent in this way?
Other reasons used to justify this measure do not bear scrutiny. Take, for example, the suggestion that it would help prevent calamities like the collapse and closure of Kids Company. This is disingenuous. The information about Kids Co’s mismanagement was publicly available by way of its accounts. Concerns were raised years before its final collapse, including by civil servants (and were already available under FoI). So this was not a case of a lack of public information, but of government getting it wrong.
Using this example as evidence is to try to play down government culpability rather than learn the lessons of the collapse in terms of the historic underfunding of charity leadership and governance. How ironic it would be, then, if changes to FoI made it impossible to find out about civil service advice in cases like this yet at the same time require children’s charities to divert resources from the front line.
The Government needs to work with charities and commercial organisations to get this right. We have alternatives. One idea is for voluntary and commercial organisations that take contracts for services from public bodies to subscribe to a voluntary code on information release.
As charities we could discuss with the Charity Commission how best to make data available on the use of public funds. This would recognise the importance of the principles behind FoI while at the same time being sensitive to the extent to which the burden of red tape weighs heavily on voluntary bodies.
This proposed measure is a blunderbuss that would do nothing for transparency but ultimately harm good causes.
Sir Stephen Bubb is chief executive of Acevo, the charity leaders’ network
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