Buckingham Palace had agreed to be “accommodating” about Mr Corbyn’s long-held republicanism at the ceremony on November 11, it is understood.
Mr Corbyn has for the first time spoken about what happened when he became a member of the Privy Council.
It had been thought that despite being allowed not to kneel, he would have to follow tradition and kiss the Queen’s hand.
However, Mr Corbyn has now lifted the lid on what happened, telling friends privately: “We shook hands like two adults.”
As part of the ceremony, Mr McDonnell will have to formally acknowledge the Queen as head of state and pledge to be her servant.
Mr McDonnell will swear “by Almighty God to be to be a true and faithful servant unto the Queen’s majesty as one of Her Majesty’s Privy Council”.
Labour sources said that Mr McDonnell will “abide by any rules in place” but that “as we saw with Jeremy, kneeling is no longer required”.
One MP who is a member of the Privy Council said that the Labour leadership is now setting a “precedent” of not following tradition and kneeling before the Queen.
“First Jeremy Corbyn refused to bow and now his shadow chancellor is going to do the same thing – it sets a precedent and is not sufficiently respectful,” the MP said.
The Privy Council oath
"You do swear by Almighty God to be a true and faithful Servant unto The Queen's Majesty as one of Her Majesty's Privy Council. You will not know or understand of any manner of thing to be attempted, done or spoken against Her Majesty's Person, Honour, Crown or Dignity Royal, but you will let and withstand the same to the uttermost of your power, and either cause it to be revealed to Her Majesty Herself, or to such of Her Privy Council as shall advertise Her Majesty of the same. You will in all things to be moved, treated and debated in Council, faithfully and truly declare your mind and opinion, according to your heart and conscience; and will keep secret all matters committed and revealed unto you, or that shall be treated of secretly in council. And if any of the said Treaties or Councils shall touch any of the Counsellors, you will not reveal it unto him, but will keep the same until such time as, by Consent of Her Majesty, or fo the Council, Publication shall be made thereof. You will to your uttermost bear Faith and Allegiance unto the Queen's Majesty; and will assit and defend all Jurisdictions, Pre-eminences and Authorities granted to her Her Majesty and annexed to the Crown by Acts of Parliament, or otherwise, against all Foreign Princes, Persons, Prelates, States or Potentates. And generally in all things you will do as a Faithful and true Servant ought to do to Her Majesty. So help you God."
Taken from: "By Royal Appointment: Tales from the Privy Council", by David Rogers (Biteback)

Source: http://telegraph.feedsportal.com/c/32726/f/579309/s/4cc32051/sc/13/l/0L0Stelegraph0O0Cnews0Cpolitics0Clabour0C120A920A220CLabours0EJohn0EMcDonnell0Ewill0Enot0Ekneel0Ebefore0Ethe0EQueen0Ewhen0Ehe0Ejoins0EPrivy0ECouncil0Bhtml/story01.htm