Speaking during an appearance at PMQs today, Mr Cameron said there were no opportunities for people who didn't speak the language,.
He said: "That's why we're going to be targeting money at people, very often women, who've been stuck at home, sometimes by the men of the house.
"Speaking English is important for all, imams included."
His comments come after his call for more Muslim mothers to learn English and help to prevent their sons from turning to extremism.
On Monday the government announced a £20 million fund for women to learn the language, in the hope that they can become more powerful moderating forces.
Mr Cameron also said that tens of thousands of Muslim women will face deportation unless they pass a series of English language tests after coming to Britain on spouse visas.
Last year it emerged that Imams, priests, and other religious figures will have to enroll in a 'national register of faith leaders' and undergo vetting, under plans drawn up by the Home Office.
Mr Cameron was responding to a question from Gareth Johnson, the Conservative MP for Dartford.
Mr Johnson asked: "Does the Prime Minister agree with me that encouraging people in this country to learn the English language has a unifying affect?
"It aids integration and helps to create national identity and social cohesion and therefore should be promoted."
The Prime Minister said Mr Johnson was "absolutely right".

Source: http://telegraph.feedsportal.com/c/32726/f/579309/s/4d00ddbe/sc/33/l/0L0Stelegraph0O0Cnews0Cuknews0Cterrorism0Ein0Ethe0Euk0C12110A5250CDavid0ECameron0EImams0Eshould0Elearn0EEnglish0Eand0Eprotect0Eyoung0Epeople0Efrom0EIsils0Epoisonous0Erhetoric0Bhtml/story01.htm