Under UK law, a child should not work for more than one hour before school, and not start before 7am. However, local bye-laws can be less restrictive.
During the school holidays, those aged 13-14 should not work for more than 25 hours a week, while 15-16 year olds should not do more than 35 hours.
The committee said this violated rules on “light work”, that demand a weekly limit of 30 hours a week. A child should have a two week holiday in the summer free from work, it said.
Turning to newspaper delivery rounds, it said that “allowing children to work before school begins in the morning is, in principle, contrary” to the charter, because it puts at risk their “attendance, receptiveness and homework”. It noted earlier rulings had explicitly outlawed two-hour paper rounds starting at 6am. The committtee said it would investigate the situation in the UK further.
British ministers have previously called on young people to take on part-time work in corner stores and coffee shops to teach workplace skills such as punctuality.
The Strasbourg-based Council of Europe was the brainchild of Sir Winston Churchill, and is entirely separate to the European Union.
Peter Bone, a Conservative MP, accused the body of meddling.
“The founding fathers of the Council of Europe did not have in mind paper-rounds when they were talking about human rights. This is the problem with these European-wide bodies: they are so out of touch with the people,” he said. “We should just ignore this piece of advice.”
Member states are expected to respect the committee's conclusions but it does not issue formal sanctions.
The report argued the current minimum wage for young workers aged 16 and 17, of £3.72 an hour, is “not fair”.
It also said that maternity pay, at £136.78 a week, is “too low and therefore inadequate”.
It said that Britain was not complying with the charter by not explicitly banning corporal punishment in the home, such as smacking.
It said: "The Committee has noted that there is now a wide consensus at both the European and international level among human rights bodies that the corporal punishment of children should be expressly and comprehensively prohibited in law."
Parents are not explicitly banned from striking their children. The law allows that "reasonable chastisement" to control a child's behaviour is lawful, but parents can be prosecuted if their actions result in injuries such as bruises, cuts or scratch.
The report also said the age of criminal responsibility - 10 in England in Wales and eight in Scotland - is "manifestly low".
The UK was also accused of failing to meeting obligations on the rights of migrant workers and their families on the grounds that family members can be expelled following the deportation of their sponsor "without proof that they are a threat to national security, or offend against public interest or morals". It said language tests imposed on relatives of migrant workers are "likely to hinder family reunion".
The income requirement for migrants who wish their families to join them - only those who earn at least £18,600 a year can sponsor visas for a spouse from outside the EU - is "too high", it added.
In England the right of Roma and Traveller families to housing is "not effectively guaranteed", it was claimed.

Source: http://telegraph.feedsportal.com/c/32726/f/579309/s/4d2bc8b6/sc/13/l/0L0Stelegraph0O0Cnews0Cuknews0Claw0Eand0Eorder0C121259810CNewspaper0Erounds0Emay0Ebreach0Echildrens0Erights0Ewarns0EStrasbourg0Bhtml/story01.htm