Teenagers with eating disorders to see specialists within month under new waiting time targets


In what is being billed by Number 10 as a keynote speech, Mr Cameron will tackle head-on the “silence” that those who have mental health problems are often left to suffer in.

“Mental illness isn’t contagious. There’s nothing to be frightened of,” the Prime Minister is expected to say.

“As a country, we need to be far more mature about this. Less hushed tones, less whispering; more frank and open discussion.

“We need to take away that shame, that embarrassment, let people know that they’re not in this alone, that when the clouds descend, they don’t have to suffer silently.


“I want us to be able to say to anyone who is struggling, ‘talk to someone, ask your doctor for help and we will always be there to support you’.”

Eating disorders are most likely to affect those aged between 14 to 25, with people who fail to get treatment in the first five years less likely to fully recover.

From late 2017 the number of teenage patients being seen by a specialist within a month of referral will be tracked.

The mental health of new mothers will be another focus of the spending, with £290 million to go towards better treatment by 2020.

An estimated one in five new mothers develop a mental health problem around the time of the birth of their child.


Another £247 million will be spent to make sure every hospital emergency department has a mental health service, Mr Cameron will announce.

There will also be more than £400 million of extra funding for experts who assess patients being considered for hospital admission to help create a 24-hour service.

Paul Farmer, chief executive of mental health charity Mind, said: “This is a significant moment for mental health and we are pleased to see the Prime Minister giving it the attention it deserves.

“Mental health is hugely important in any discussion about improving life chances and mental health problems can affect anyone, from mums-to-be preparing for their first child to older people at risk of isolation.”

Mr Cameron has also said Britain’s 100 worst “sink” estates could be demolished in a major new drive to stamp out gang culture and deprivation through redevelopment.

The £140 million redevelopment programme is to be overseen by Lord Heseltine, who helped to transform the Liverpool and London docks in the 1980s.

Source: http://telegraph.feedsportal.com/c/32726/f/579309/s/4cc4ae07/sc/28/l/0L0Stelegraph0O0Cnews0Cpolitics0Cdavid0Ecameron0C120A920A790CTeenagers0Ewith0Eeating0Edisorders0Eto0Esee0Especialists0Ewithin0Emonth0Eunder0Enew0Ewaiting0Etime0Etargets0Bhtml/story01.htm
Teenagers with eating disorders to see specialists within month under new waiting time targets Reviewed by Unknown on 1/10/2016 Rating: 5

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