The British public couldn't care less about Brexit and the EU referendum


Interest in the UK-EU Referendum since December 2012

It looks impressive. A steady trickle of traffic, followed by a generous spike over the UK General Election last May which has now been eclipsed by a new surge of interest as we approach the outcome of February's crunch European Council meeting.

Or at least it looks impressive until you set the interest in Brexit against say, the Premier League, or Strictly Come Dancing. At which point the relative interest in the EU referendum is so minimal it all but disappears from view.

UK Referendum interest, relative to Premier League, Strictly Come Dancing

The picture is clear. Less than six months from a possible referendum on Britain's future in Europe, and less than six weeks from the outcome of Mr Cameron's "make or break" negotiation with Brussels, it is the beautiful game and a TV dance-off contest that have the public's attention. Panem et circenses, as the saying goes.

Which begs the next question. When, reasonably speaking, might the political and chattering classes expect the public to wake up to the momentus decision that awaits them?

Well, if you take a seven month window around the 2014 Scottish referendum as a proxy, or the same period around the 2015 General Election, it is clear just how narrow the window of interest really is.

Interest in Scottish Independence Referendum 2014

Interest in the UK General Election 2015

In both cases, we find just one tachycardic blip of interest that lasts for a maximum of a week or ten days leading up to the polling day, before plummeting back into obscurity. It is enough to give the self-respecting Euro-wonk a heart attack.

And that the already-narrow spike of interest narrows still further when you set that graph against the competing attractions of football and television - only for a tiny number of days does discussion about the General Election, Scottish Referendum or - we must presume - manage burst through the cloud-base of daily preoccupations.

Scottish Referendum v Arsenal FC, Football, Bake Off and Strictly

UK General Election v Arsenal FC, Football and the X-Factor

So, what does all this mean for the EU referendum campaign, and how best to prosecute it?

Perhaps the first point to make is that much of the current polling on attitudes to Brexit really doesn't mean a great deal at this stage. The wider public are not switched on to Brexit debate and their attitudes are entrenched.

"The polls are really about as useful as asking what everyone will be eating for lunch next Thursday," says James McGrory of the Britain Stronger in Europe campaign, "the real answer is that 'we haven't really thought about it yet'."

In the end, the campaigns are expecting a small blip of interest when David Cameron returns from Brussels waving the proverbial piece of paper, but in-between times the public will largely switch off as the vocal interests on both side go back to fighting each other. The daily battles that the two campaigns will fight - are indeed already fighting - will largely wash over the public.

On balance, it feels as if that could play into the hands of the 'In' campaign. If the average punter tunes out the debate on Brexit and dismisses as hobbyhorsical the forthcoming intra-party fight in the Tory Party, that will make it harder for the 'Out' camp to broaden the debate beyond the clearly demarcated battle lines of British politics these past 25 years. And to win over, the middle ground, they probably need to do that.


That is certainly the view of Peter Wilding, the head of the pro-Remain pressure group British Influence, who wrote recently that Mr Cameron is well aware of the public's ignorance and lack of interest in the European issues and will try to capitalise on this by making a quick deal in February before boiling the campaign down "to one week, one speech and one word".

"For Cameron, the word will be security, the speech will be his and the week will be the last of the campaign when the public will wake up to the enormity of their choice. If that plan works then it is a fair bet that Cameron will win the day," he argues.

A third major takeway, says Anand Menon, professor of European Politics and Foreign Affairs at King's College London, is that the messenger may well be more important than the message, given the obvious limits of the public attention span.

"Those of us in the campaign bubble are kidding oursleves that these things mean a lot more to the public than, in fact, they really do," says Prof Menon, who is also director of UK in a Changing Europe, a group which tries to provide impartial and rigorous information on the Brexit question.

"And that being the case, people won't listen to a lengthy debate on stuff they find irrelevant at best and boring at worst, so someone they trust delivering the message is absolutely fundamental."

Arguably that also leans in favour of the "Remain" camp, since the political pulling-power of their front-three line up of David Cameron, William Hague and John Major would appear to dwarf the "Out" camps's current front bench of Nigel Farrage, Lord Lawson of Blaby and Bernard Jenkin.

An intervention by Boris Johnson - coveted by the 'Out' camp for precisely this reason, but looking increasingly unlikely - might change the calculation, but the polling suggests not by as much as Mr Cameron putting his weight behind a new deal for the UK in Europe. "There is a political inertia," adds Prof Menon, "But it is not a revolutionary, but small 'c' conservative. That is the issue the 'Leave' camp must overcome."

Lastly, the narrow window also points to the risk that unforseen events - a terror attack, a new migrant crisis or an event like the Cologne sex attacks issue - could up-end months of careful groundwork by the campaigns, clouding the debate just at the moment that the public (at least the part that doesn't sleep through the entire thing) switches on that tractor-bream of attention...

The British public couldn't care less about Brexit and the EU referendum Reviewed by Unknown on 1/20/2016 Rating: 5

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