Ban Donald Trump from Britain? We'd be better off banning online petitions


Here’s how pointless it was. First, it attracted, at most, only 40 MPs (the most high-profile of whom was Keith Vaz, who left inside the first 10 minutes). Second, it took place in a little room in Westminster Hall, not the Commons chamber. And third: not a single person present actually had the power to ban Trump, because that would be a decision for the Home Secretary, who wasn’t present, and in any case doesn’t want to ban him.

“We British are pretty good at roasting beef,” gurgled Paul Scully (Con, Sutton). “Why don’t we roast Trump instead!”

“If he met one or two of my constituents,” cried Victoria Atkins (Con, Louth & Horncastle), “they would tell him he’s a wazzock!”

“Bring him here,” barked Gavin Robinson (DUP, Belfast East), “and let him go home with his tail between his legs!”

“Donald Trump is an idiot,” mumbled someone or other from the SNP.

Among those who did want Trump banned was Jack Dromey (Lab, Erdington). “He shouldn’t be allowed within 1,000 miles of our shores!” he barked, thus banning Trump not only from Britain but Portugal, Sweden and Poland. Whether we’ll have to build a vast Trump-blocking wall a third of the way across the Atlantic, he didn’t say.

One of the few actively sticking up for Trump was Philip Davies (Con, Shipley). Although he disagreed with Trump’s views on Muslims, he applauded him for his “straight talking”, on the grounds that “I’m a Yorkshireman”. Like almost all Mr Davies’s parliamentary utterances, his speech essentially consisted of saying “It’s political correctness gone mad” over and over for 10 minutes at steadily increasing volume.

“People find it refreshing to see a politician who has the guts to stand up and say what he thinks, even when it’s controversial!” yapped Mr Davies. By this point I’d lost track of whether he was talking about Donald Trump or himself.

Still, I don’t want to write off this festival of irrelevance completely. Perhaps it will teach us something valuable: namely, how worthless petitions to Parliament are. If it doesn’t, I might start a petition demanding a ban on petitions. Please sign and pass it on. Together, we really can make no difference.

Ban Donald Trump from Britain? We'd be better off banning online petitions Reviewed by Unknown on 1/18/2016 Rating: 5

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