If you're a Windows Insider (testing out versions of Windows 10 before they're sprung on the computing public at large), then you'll be interested to learn that Microsoft has added a new 'Ring' alongside the existing Slow and Fast Rings for both PC and mobile users.
And the new channel, named the Release Preview Ring, is essentially one for the very risk averse.
As you're likely aware, the Fast Ring is designed to push out preview builds swiftly and is used by those who want to try out new features as early as possible, but with the risk of bugs affecting their experience (and sometimes potentially quite nasty glitches).
The Slow Ring, on the other hand, receives builds at a slower pace, but when more bugs have been ironed out so there's less risk to the user's device.
Third Ring
And now there's the Release Preview Ring, which Gabe Aul, VP of Engineering Systems, notes is: "Best for Insiders who enjoy getting early access to updates for the Current Branch, Microsoft applications, and drivers, with minimal risk to their devices, and still want to provide feedback to make Windows devices great."
As he states, this is really for those who want to take as little risk as possible, and it will only deliver software and driver updates early, as opposed to whole new preview builds. There are doubtless those who will appreciate this option, although some denizens of the net appear to be complaining that the Ring system is becoming somewhat confusing (although really, it isn't – and there will always be someone complaining).
Microsoft recently promised to speed up the pace of builds being delivered via the Fast Ring, and indeed we saw the first evidence of Redmond pressing down harder on the accelerator last week. But of course, more speed equals more risk – hold onto your hats, preview people…
Via: Betanews

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