Updated: Samsung talks up Galaxy S7 and hints at UK Pay rollout


Samsung is expected to announce the Galaxy S7 and S7 Edge at MWC later this month, but it's already started officially teasing the handset.

At the Samsung European Forum, Rory O'Neill, Vice President of Marketing touched on MWC, telling the audience that "the next Galaxy will be the best Galaxy ever" before a short video was played.

He also confirmed that MWC will bring the next stage of Gear VR.

The brief clip showed someone putting on a Gear VR headset and getting a glimpse at the Galaxy S7, but of course we weren't given a look at the handset.

Gear is near

Samsung clearly sees Gear VR integration to be an important aspect of its next flagship smartphone, but it made it clear that Samsung Pay is another big thing it's focusing on this year.

After the short Galaxy tease, Head of Samsung Pay Nathalie Oestmann came on stage to underline the fact Samsung Pay will launch in Europe in early 2016.

We still don't have a concrete date, but it all suggests that Pay will touch alongside the S7 - especially as Oestmann promised we'll hear more about the UK rollout at MWC.

Samsung is expected to announce both the Galaxy S7 and Samsung Galaxy S7 Edge on February 21.

TechRadar recently revealed that the S7 Edge+ won't be coming to the UK. Instead, Samsung will reinstate the Note series with the Note 6.




Source: http://rss.feedsportal.com/c/669/f/9809/s/4d8386b2/sc/15/l/0L0Stechradar0N0Cus0Cnews0Cphone0Eand0Ecommunications0Cmobile0Ephones0Csamsung0Etalks0Eup0Egalaxy0Es70Eand0Edrops0Ea0Eteaser0Evideo0Efor0Eselect0Efew0E13147450Dsrc0Frss0Gattr0Fall/story01.htm
Updated: Samsung talks up Galaxy S7 and hints at UK Pay rollout Reviewed by Unknown on 2/11/2016 Rating: 5

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