However, his son George, told the Rochdale Observer: "He never contacts us or mum for us to see him."
"I saw my dad one night in February 2012 and stayed at his old flat [Mr Danczuk's previous London-based accommodation, not his current flat in Pimlico].
"That's the only time I've stayed with him in London. I was the one who instigated the visit. Before that I hadn't seen him for years.
"When he dropped me back off at home, my little sister [nine at the time] ran outside to say hello to him, he ignored her and drove off. She was upset for days."
Mrs Rossington has claimed The MP had "made no effort" to see his children and said their 13-year-old daughter had never stayed with her father in London.
Under parliamentary rules MPs can claim up to £2,425 per child, per year, to help with costs associated with them living in rented accommodation in London during the week or at weekends and school holidays.
But guidance states that their children must "routinely reside" in London.
Mr Danczuk said: “When I initiated the claim in 2012 all four children used to stay with me in Rochdale on a regular basis, and I would have assumed quite rightly that the same would have happened in London.”
IPSA's records show that in 2014-15 Mr Danczuk claimed £28,466.58 and declared four dependents. In 2013-14 it was £27,587.46, and in 2012-13 it was £29,261.62.
Mr Danczuk said he had checked IPSA's rules but perhaps they were "too vaguely worded".
He told the Daily Telegraph: "I checked with IPSA when I made the claim and they reassured me that it was acceptable.
"This is the vagaries of a complicated family, I have two children from a previous marriage and two from a more recent previous marriage and the two youngest have stayed there on a regular basis.
"I have been doing all I can to get my two eldest children to spend time with me and my other children in London.
"All four children have stayed together and on numerous occasions and I had always hoped that would continue but it hasn't.
"This is an example of the complexities of real life and you can design as many rules as you want but this is just how modern families work nowadays."
An IPSA spokesperson said it had received a complaint about Mr Danczuk's expenses but a decision on whether to launch an investigation had yet to be made.
